Monday, September 30, 2019

Ap 1988 Euro

1988 MC National AP European History Exam 100 questions in 75 minutes. 1. Salvation by faith alone, the ministry of all believers, and the authority of the Bible are principles basic to (A) the Christian humanism of Erasmus (B) the Church of England (C) Catholicism after the Council of Trent (D) Lutheranism in the early sixteenth century (E) the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) 2. The Edict of Nantes in 1598 did which of the following? (A) Ensured Anglo-French cooperation throughout the seventeenth century. (B) Created a French church separated from papal authority. (C) Ended the War of the Spanish Succession. D) Proclaimed the toleration of Calvinism. (E) Precipitated the French Wars of Religion. [pic] 3. The sketch above, drawn by Galileo in 1610, was used to argue that the Moon (A) has no phases (B) has an irregular surface (C) is one of the planets (D) does not revolve around the Earth (E) is illuminated by Mars 4. â€Å"You venerate the saints and delight in touching their relic s, but you despise the best one they left behind, the example of a holy life †¦. If the worship of Christ in the person of His saints pleases you so much, see to it that you imitate Christ in the saints†The quotation above expresses the views of which of the following? (A) Henry VIII of England (B) Catherine de Medici (C) Erasmus of Rotterdam (D) Leonardo da Vinci (E) Niccolo Machiavelli 5. John Locke based his Two Treatises on Government primarily on which of the following views of human nature? (A) People are basically rational and learn from practical experience. (B) People are weak and sinful and need the guidance of organized religion. (C) People are fallible and need guidance from the cumulative wisdom of tradition. (D) People are inherently quarrelsome and should never be encouraged to revolt against state authority. E) People are born with all knowledge, and learning is the process of remembering that innate knowledge [pic] 6. The map above of eighteenth-century R ussia suggests which of the following about Russian territory between 1689 and 1796? (A) The Ottoman Empire annexed the Crimea (B) Peter the Great added more territory to Russia than did Catherine the Great (C) Most Russian expansion took place in the east (D) Russia ceded territory to Poland in the late eighteenth century (E) Russia acquired navigable seaports in both the north and the south 7.Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of much of fifteenth century Italy? (A) A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility (B) A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts (C) Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies (D) Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile development (E) Support of the arts in Italy by the kings of France and the Holy Roman emperors, who were competing for influence 8. The response of the Roman Catholic church to the Protestant Reformation included all of th e following EXCEPT A) the abolition of the Index of Prohibited Books (B) the establishment of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) (C) the convening of the Council of Trent (D) the founding of women’s orders active in education and care of the sick (E) an increase in the number of parish grammar schools [pic] 9. The Pieter Brueghal painting (circa 1569) shown above depicts the massacre of villagers in A) the Netherlands by Spanish troops B) Russia by Ottoman troops C) Spain by English troops D) France by Swedish troops E) Hungary by Austrian 10. The first political use of the terms â€Å"right† and â€Å"left† was to describe the A) division of France into predominantly Protestant and predominantly Roman Catholic areas (B) seating arrangements in the French National Assembly chamber during the French Revolution (C) party alliances in the English House of Commons during the debates prior to the American Revolution (D) two wings of the Versailles palace that housed the Roman Catholic and the Huguenot nobility (B) factions in the English Parliament that supported James II or William of Orange 11. Which of the following statements best describes the writers of the Romantic school? (A)They stressed emotion rather than reason. B)They continued the traditions of the Enlightenment. (C)They were advocates of increased political rights for women. (D)They modeled their work on the classics of Greece and Rome. (E)They based their writing on scientific and mathematical models. 12. During the Crimean War (1854-1856), most deaths among the military occurred as a result of (A) trench warfare and poisonous gas (B) guerrilla warfare (C) naval engagements (D) disease and inadequate medical care (E) heavy artillery bombardment 13. In fifteenth-century Europe. Muslim culture exerted the greatest influence on which of the following societies? A) English (B) French (C) German (D) Italian (E) Spanish 14. In 1500 the two most powerful autocracies in Eastern Europe were (A) Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire (B) the Ottoman and the Byzantine empires (C) the Byzantine Empire and Poland-Lithuania (D) Poland-Lithuania and Hungary (E) Hungary and Kievan Russia 15. The principal reason why Louis XIV (1643-1715) built his palace at Versailles was to (A) tighten his control over the nobility (B) strengthen ties with the Huguenots (C) move the king’s residence nearer to the center of the country (D) provide thousands of jobs E) absorb the excess revenue produced by mercantilist tax policies 16. In the second half of the seventeenth century, which of the following countries dominated European culture, politics, and diplomacy? (A) England (B) The Netherlands (C) Russia (D) France (E) Prussia 17. Which of the following best characterizes the Western European economy, as a whole, in the sixteenth century? (A) Widespread unemployment (B) Declining trade and commerce (C) Technological breakthroughs in production (D) Unrestricted trade among nations (E) S piraling inflation 18.In the first half of the seventeenth century, the Austrian Hapsburgs subdued revolt and centralized control in their territories by doing which of the following? (A) Emancipating the peasantry and encouraging agricultural development (B) Allying with the urban middle classes and encouraging commercial development (C) Establishing a national church headed by the Hapsburg emperor and redistributing former church properties (D) Creating a customs union to promote trade and acquiring new territories to supply merchants with raw materials (E) Waging warfare against rebel groups and supporting the Catholic Reformation 9. Which of the following was a major result of the Thirty’ Years’ War (1618-1648)? (A) The long-term strengthening of the Holy Roman Emperor’s authority (B) The banning of Calvinism in the German states (C) The establishment of strong Russian influence in the northern German states (D) The loss of as much as one-third of the German -speaking population through war, plague, and starvation (E) The encouragement of rapid economic development in many German-speaking cities 20. After the defeat of King Charles I in the English Civil War and his execution in 1649, England was governed for a decade by A) a democratic republic with universal suffrage (B) a commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell and his son (C) a constitutional monarchy under King James II (D) the king of Scotland (E) a parliamentary council dominated by egalitarians 21. Which of the following most clearly distinguishes the northern Renaissance from the Italian Renaissance? (A) Interest in science and technology (B) Greater concern with religious piety (C) Cultivation of a Latin style (D) Use of national languages in literature (E) Admiration for Scholastic thought 22. Adam Smith maintained that A) workers real wages decrease in the long run (B) population always tends to outstrip food supplies (C) monopolies benefit the state (D) competition is socially beneficial (E) social revolution is inevitable 23. Which of the following early nineteenth-century political figures was most closely identified with the concept of â€Å"the concert of Europe†? (A) Castlereagh (B) Napoleon I (C) Talleyrand (D) Alexander I (E) Metternich 24. A factor accelerating the British government’s repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 was the (A) South Sea Bubble scandal (B) American Revolution C) Irish potato famine (D) development of relatively inexpensive ocean transport (E) worldwide mechanization of grain farming 25. Which of the following spared Europe a general multinational war during the second half of the nineteenth century? (A) The functioning of an effective balance of power (B) Europe’s preoccupation with industrial development (C) The strength of the German navy (D) Fear of Ottoman expansion into the rest of Europe (E) A policy of free and unrestricted trade 26. The eighteenth-century philosophes believed that society could best a chieve progress through A) prayer and contemplation (B) intuition (C) hard work and self-denial (D) scientific empiricism (E) analysis of Greek and Latin texts 27. The model of the universe which resulted from the scientific work of Galileo and Newton embraced (A) Aristotelian philosophy (B) a belief in an ascending â€Å"chain of being† (C) a conception of a spiritually animate universe (D) the belief in the fixed, central position of the Earth (E) the science of mechanics 28. The sequence of events that led to the French Revolution of 1789 is best summarized by which of the following? A) Lafayette’s call for democracy, royal suppression of the National Assembly, Robespierre’s leading a peasant revolution (B) Peasant uprisings, royal abdication, election of the National Assembly (C) Franco-Austrian war, urban riots, convening of the Assembly of Notables (D) Widespread famine, repression of riots, guerrilla war (E) Royal financial crisis, convening of the Estate s General, storming of the Bastille 29. â€Å"In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonism, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. These words express the ideas of (A) Alexis de Tocqueville (B) John Locke (C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (D) Edmund Burke (E) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 30. Which of the following best describes an important trend in typical family size in Western Europe after 1870? (A) It increased in urban areas due to improvements in public health and housing for workers. (B) It decreased in working-class families due to legislation limiting child labor. (C) It decreased sharply because of chronic food shortages (D) It decreased initially in the middle classes because of the increased costs of rearing children. E) It remained unchanged because of massive emigration overseas 31. English economic expansion was severely threatened in the eighteenth century by a rapidly diminishing supply of (A) peat (B) wood (C) coal (D) oil (E) water power [pic] Left side of graph should read â€Å"Population (in millions)†, the first number is 1700 not 700 32. All of the following statements about Europe’s population in the eighteenth century can be inferred from the graph above EXCEPT: (A) For most of the century, France had the largest population of any European power. (B) The population of Eastern Europe outstripped that of Western Europe in size. C) Russia experienced the largest increase in rate of population growth. (D) The population of the British Isles grew throughout the century. (E) Rates of population growth increased after 1750. 33. â€Å"The salon was a weekly gathering held in the home of one of the dominant ladies of the society, at which dinner was usually served, cards usually played, but conversation led by the hostess predominated. A few salons were known as having the ideal mixture of leading intellectuals, open-minded nobles, and clever, elegant women. † The passage above describes an important aspect of social life in which of the following? A) Geneva during the Reformation (B) Florence during the Renaissance (C) London during the Glorious Revolution (D) Paris during the Enlightenment (E) Berlin during the Kulturkampf 34. Enlightened monarchs of the eighteenth century supported all of the following EXCEPT (A) religious tolerance (B) increased economic productivity (C) pacifist foreign policy (D) administrative reform (E) secular and technical education 35. Which of the following characterized European warfare between the Peace of Utrecht (1713) and the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789)? (A) Standing armies pursuing limited strategic goals B) Citizen armies fighting for their native lands (C) Feudal armies fighting for their lords (D) Mass armies pursuing global strategies (E) Highly mobile armies unhampered by traditional defenses 36. Under the Napoleonic system, peasants in territ ories conquered by French armies were generally given (A) the right to vote for representatives to serve in newly created parliaments (B) control over the appointment of village priests (C) freedom from manorial obligations (D) free lessons in the French language (E) sets of laws designed specifically to fit local conditions 37. The greatest happiness for the greatest number† was the explicit goal of which of the following movements? (A) Romanticism (B) Utilitarianism (C) Pietism (D) Anarchism (E) Jansenism 38. â€Å"In the presence of my guests I reduced the telegram by deleting words, without adding or altering a single word . . . which made the announcement appear decisive. [My guest] said: ‘Now it has quite a different ring. In its original form it sounded like a parley. Now it is like a flourish of trumpets in answer to a challenger. ’ I went on to explain: ‘ . . . it will have the effect of a red flag on the Gallic bull’†The individual re counting the story above was (A) Napoleon III (B) Cavour (C) Disraeli (D) Bismarck (E) Alexander II 39. The disease most common in industrialized areas of nineteenth-century Europe was (A) bubonic plague (B) tuberculosis (C) smallpox (D) malaria (E) leprosy 40. In 1917 the Bolsheviks sought to rally support from the Russian people with which of the following slogans? (A) â€Å"Peace, land, bread† (B) â€Å"Socialism in one country† (C) â€Å"Blood and iron† (D) â€Å"Family, work, fatherland† (E) â€Å"Liberty, equality, fraternity† 41. French leaders decided to occupy Germany’s Ruhr Valley in January 1923 in order to A) counterbalance Soviet influence in Germany (B) incorporate German territory permanently into France (C) halt the rise of the Nazi party among workers in the region (D) use the region’s industrial production to accelerate France’s rearmament (E) seize goods as payment for Germany’s reparations debt 42. By 1948 Soviet-dependent regimes existed in all of the following countries EXCEPT (A) Bulgaria (B) Hungary (C) Poland (D) Rumania (E) Yugoslavia 43. The French monarchy in the seventeenth century sought to expand France’s borders to its â€Å"natural frontiers† by gaining control of (A) Schleswig-Holstein B) Milan (C) Alsace (D) Spain (E) Tuscany 44. Which of the following caused the deepest and most persistent internal opposition to the French Revolution? (A) The Great Fear (B) The storming of the Bastille (C) The publication of Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (D) The advent of the Thermidorean reaction (E) The enactment of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy 45. Architecture produced in the Napoleonic Empire was influenced most by (A) ancient Egyptian pyramids (B) classical models (C) Romanesque churches (D) Islamic structures (E) Gothic churches [pic] 46.The graph above depicts the lengths, from longest to shortest, of the railway systems of (A ) the United Kingdom, the Italian states, France (B) the United Kingdom, the German states, France (C) The German states, the United Kingdom, the Italian states (D) France, the German states, the Italian states (E) France, the United Kingdom, the German states 47. Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill both wrote (A) critiques of the French Revolution (B) tracts on liberty and the rights of women (C) Utopian novels (D) polemics against alcohol consumption (E) satires of George III of England 48.All of the following cities experienced major uprisings in 1848 EXCEPT A) Paris B) Berlin C) London D) Rome E) Vienna [pic] 49. The image shown above is an example of a new technique for examining the human body which was discovered by (A) Faraday (B) Pasteur (C) Lister (D) Roentgen (E) Planck Questions 50-51 are based on the passage below. Where liberal parties, now liberal only in name, remained in power, they embraced protectionism and imperialism, undertook social regulation, and retain ed from the old liberal creed only Opposition to the extension of the franchise and to the church. 50.In what era did the developments described in the passage most probably take place? (A) 1715-1788 (B) 1789-1800 (C) 1815-1830 (D) 1880-1905 (E) 1945-1970 51. Which of the following factors best explains the transformation and decline of liberalism described in the passage? (A) The continued deference of peasants to aristocratic influence (B) The rise of industrial society and of mass political movements (C) The general decline in literacy rates (D) The inability of laissez-faire economics to uproot traditional communal agriculture and guilds (E) A strong popular reaction against liberal anti-clericalism 2. Which of the following ideas did Darwin draw on in developing his theories of evolution? (A) The Romantics’ ideas about the importance of heroic individuals (B) The scientific view that species are eternal and unchanging (C) The Biblical account of creation in Genesis (D) N ineteenth-century theories of manifest destiny (E) The population theories of Thomas Malthus [pic] 53. The nineteenth-century English cartoon above depicts (A) the weakening of Great Britain caused by emigration (B) Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice (C) the pollution resulting from industrialization D) British naval losses (E) criminals lurking around British waterways 54. The immediate cause of the 1905 Russian Revolution was social strain resulting from (A) the agitation of the Russian Social Democratic party (B) the mass emigration of skilled workers to the New World (C) attempts by the government to reform the Russian Orthodox church (D) the demands of ethnic groups for political autonomy (E) Russian losses in the Russo-Japanese War [pic] 55. According to the graph above, which class in sixteenth-century England benefited most from the trends shown? (A) Landowners B) Landless laborers (C) Household servants (D) Merchants (E) Small-scale artisans 56. Which of the following was a primary result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? (A) The establishment of universal male suffrage (B) The restoration of Roman Catholicism to both England and Scotland (C) The limitation of monarchical power (D) The execution of Charles I (E) The triumph of Puritanism 57. Important prerequisites for Great Britain’s industrialization in the mid-eighteenth century included which of the following? (A) Innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production B) Dramatic improvements in workers’ housing in the cities (C) A rapid increase in the amount of gold imported from New World colonies (D) Rapid growth of a national system of rail transport (E) Strong monarchical leadership and a centralized government bureaucracy [pic] 58. The shaded areas on the map above represent which of the following? (A) Dynastic lands of the Hapsburgs in the sixteenth century (B) Participants in the Thirty Years’ War in the seventeenth century (C) Protestant regions in the eighteenth century (D) Members of the Holy Alliance in the nineteenth century E) Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the twentieth century 59. Which of the following European countries experienced the greatest degree of political instability in the nineteenth century? (A) Austria (B) France (C) The Netherlands (D) Prussia (E) Russia 60. When Sigmund Freud remarked that â€Å"in mental life nothing which has once been formed can perish,† he meant that (A) human beings are rational creatures (B) human beings can remember and recall all experiences at will (C) all mental acts are conscious mental acts D) the unconscious preserves unpleasant as well as pleasant thoughts (E) the unconscious obliterates excess thoughts [pic] 61. The chronologically arranged maps above illustrate the (A) concluding phases of the Franco-Prussian War (B) Schlieffen Plan (C) concluding phases of the First World War (D) settlement of the Treaty of Versailles. 1919 (E) invasion of France in 1940 62. Which of the following ideas is common to the works of both Karl Marx and the classical economists? (A) The overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the revolutionary proletariat is inevitable. B) Class struggle is the mechanism of historical progress. (C) The free exchange of wages for labor ensures social harmony. (D) The value of a product is largely determined by the value of the labor used to produce it. (E) The triumph of the proletariat will bring about a classless society. 63. During the last third of the nineteenth century, new industries, such as those producing electric power and chemicals, advanced most rapidly in which of the following European countries? (A) France (B) Italy (C) Germany (D) Belgium (E) Spain 64. What the breechloader, the machine gun, the steamboat, the steamship, quinine, and other innovations did was to lower the cost in both financial and human terms of penetrating, conquering, and exploiting new territories. So cost-effective did they ma ke imperialism that not only national governments but even individuals like Henry Stanley’ and Cecil Rhodes could precipitate events and stake out claims to vast territories which later became parts of empires. † The historian quoted above would most likely use which of the following statements to explain imperialism in Africa after 1870? A) Europe’s major corporations used ruthless force in their search for overseas trade and profits. (B) The power of European technology provided the mechanism that made imperialism cheap and easy. (C) European politicians were willing and eager to risk war for the sake of national prestige. (D) Individuals like Stanley and Rhodes were more important than economic forces in the conquest of Africa by Europeans. (E) The European officer class was eager to use Africa as a testing ground for new weapons. 65. All of the following were invented in Western Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries EXCEPT A) firearms (B) movabl e printing type (C) the compound microscope (D) the compass (E) the flying shuttle 66. â€Å"It was an important confederation of commercial towns in northern Germany with its own laws, diplomats, and flags. Its membership of merchants earned large profits shipping fish, timber, and other resources to areas to the west and to the south. Prosperity declined, however, when trade routes shifted from the Baltic to the Atlantic after 1500. † The description above refers to the (A) Confederation of the Rhine (B) Hanseatic League C) Merchants of the Staple (D) Holy Roman Empire (E) Schmalkaldic League 67. In the sixteenth century, all of the following had religious civil wars or political insurrections EXCEPT (A) Muscovite Russia (B) England (C) the Low Countries (D) France (E) the German states 68. The teachings of which of the following had the greatest impact on the Reformation in Scotland? (A) Ignatius of Loyola (B) John Calvin (C) Martin Luther (D) Desiderius Erasmus (E) Ulrich Zwingli 69. Mercantilism was principally characterized by (A) government efforts to build a strong. elf-sufficient economy (B) the efforts of the merchant class to influence policy by subsidizing the government (C) efforts by bankers and exporters to establish free trade (D) the theory that gold and silver were not real wealth (E) the view that labor ought to be able to seek its own market 70. In the late seventeenth century, which of the following countries led continental Europe in shipbuilding, navigation, and commerce and banking? (A) France (B) Russia (C) The Netherlands (D) Denmark (E) Spain 71. In eighteenth-century Europe, the most important imperial rivalries existed among which three of the following? A) Russia, France, and Great Britain (B) The German states, the Italian states, and Great Britain (C) The German states, the Italian states, and France (D) The German states, the Italian states, and Spain (E) Spain, France, and Great Britain 72. All of the following occurred as a result of the settlements reached at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) EXCEPT: (A) A balance of power was reestablished. (B) Belgium was united with the Netherlands under the House of Orange. (C) The neutrality of Switzerland was recognized. (D) Italy was unified under Sardinian leadership. E) A personal union between Sweden and Norway was created. 73. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrial growth in Western Europe was significantly stimulated by the (A) abolition of national customs barriers (B) introduction of assembly-line production (C) investment of United States Capital (D) expansion of transportation systems (E) expansion of labor unions 74. Which of the following factors most stimulated the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force in many European countries during the First World War? (A) The decline in the average size of families (B) The increase in divorce rates C) Woman suffrage (D) The spread of Wilsonian principles (E) The shortage in the labor supply 75. A social historian would be most likely to research which of the following topics? (A) French diplomacy, 1742-1763 (B) Frederick William I and the General Directory of War, Finance, and Domains (C) The philosophical assumptions of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters (D) Napoleon’s Freudian relationship with Madame de Stael (E) Family life in a French village 76. In late nineteenth-century Great Britain, women were in the majority in which of the following categories of employment? (A) Transportation B) Mining (C) Factory work (D) Domestic service (E) Construction work 77. Which of the following scientific theories of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was used to support notions of racial superiority? (A)James’s theory of pragmatism (B)Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (C)Darwin’s theory of natural selection (D)Planck’s quantum theory (E)Pavlov’s theory of conditioned response [pic] 78. The painting above, Musical Forms (1931 ) by Georges Braque, is an example of which of the following schools of painting? (A) Romantic (B)Impressionist (C) Cubist (D) Expressionist (E) Realist 79.Albert Einstein is well known for theorizing that (A) atoms are stable, basic building blocks of nature (B) time and space are unconnected concepts (C) light contains energy only when it is visible (D) mass and energy are interconvertible (E) the speed of an aircraft cannot exceed the speed of sound 80. Most historians would agree with which of the following descriptions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919? (A) A treaty that spelled out the Soviet Union’s reparation obligations (B) A triumph of farsighted political and economic planning (C) A treaty that dismantled the British Empire D) A destructive peace dictated by the United States (E) A treaty that the defeated thought too harsh and the victors thought too lenient 81. The political and social values of the Vichy government in France during the Second World War are best described as (A) democratic, socialistic, peaceful (B) radically fascistic, antichurch, antielitist (C) conservative-authoritarian, corporatist, Catholic (D) monarchist, nationalistic, antimilitary (E) republican, liberal, expansionist [pic] 82. The map above represents the British Empire in (A) 1776 (B) 1850 (C) 1919 (D) 1950 (E) 1961 83. Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much . . . as he has observed.. . . Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything. † The passage above was written by (A) Francis Bacon (B) Martin Luther (C) Rene Descartes (D) Georg Hegel (E) Friedrich Nietzsche 84. Which of the following European states was the last to eliminate legal discrimination against Jews? (A) Austria-Hungary (B) France (C) Great Britain (D) Italy (E) Russia 85. All of the following were among President Wilson’s Fourteen Points EXCEPT (A) an independent Poland (B) absolute freedom of navigation C) the limitation of armament s (D) the autonomous development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary (E) the autonomous development of the peoples of the Russian Empire 86. The major objective of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) was to (A) end the use of war for solving international controversies (B) end the Russo-Polish border conflict (C) end tensions between France and Great Britain over the export of French farm surpluses to Great Britain (D) end the French occupation of the Ruhr (E) replace the Dawes and Young plans [pic] 87. The illustration above from a 1940 German magazine suggests that women should A) bear as many children as possible (B) not be discouraged by shortages of food and consumer goods (C) not work outside the house (D) support the war effort by doing their sons’ and husbands’ jobs (E) enlist in the army to help the war effort 88. The primary instrument of economic integration in Western Europe since the Second World War has been the (A) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (B) European Economic Community (EEC) (C) World Bank (D) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (E) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 9. The most notable social effect of the 1923 inflation in Germany was the (A) depletion of the savings and income of the middle class (B) encouragement of population shifts from cities to the countryside (C) strengthening of the position of women in the work force (D) acceleration of a trend toward the establishment of cooperative pension plans (E) reduction of social tensions 90. All of the following are policies to which totalitarian states have traditionally adhered EXCEPT (A) encouragement of multiparty political systems (B) promotion of social welfare measures C) expansion of the military (D) economic planning (E) holding of periodic elections 91. Which of the following was a major factor in German military victories in1939-1940? (A) Overwhelming German technological and numerical superiority to the French an d the English (B) French insistence on continuing to fight, regardless of the cost (C) Britain’s campaign in Norway, which diverted British troops from Western Europe (D) The German army’s effective use of armor and air power in the Blitzkrieg (E) The German defeat of the Russian army at Tannenberg in August 1939 92.Which of the following statements about twentieth-century existentialists like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre is true? (A) They questioned the efficacy of reason and science in understanding the human situation. (B) They counseled an integration of Christian principles into everyday life. (C) They promoted the development of nuclear technology. (D) They advocated a return to the ideals of the Enlightenment. (E) They advocated nationalism and the strengthening of the individual nation-states. 93. In the 1960’s a factor that distinguished Soviet social structure from the societies of advanced industrial nations in Western Europe was theSoviet Unionà ¢â‚¬â„¢s (A) lack of linguistic and ethnic divisions (B) high percentage of workers engaged in agriculture (C) rising number of workers in service-sector jobs (D) integration of women into the political elite (E) system of compulsory education 94. Which of the following was the major reason for the establishment of the Dual Monarchy in 1867? (A) To satisfy the demands of the Magyars (B) To resist Turkish encroachment into Europe (C) To resist demands made by Napoleon III (D) To balance the power of the North German Confederation (E) To curb the growing strength of a united Italy 5. The immediate aim of the Truman Doctrine of 1947 was to (A) promote the economic recovery of Europe (B) block the spread of communism in France and Italy (C) prevent the overthrow of the Greek and Turkish governments (D) bring about Soviet withdrawal from Czechoslovakia (E) forestall Soviet plans with regard to West Germany 96. Which of the following areas was conceded to Hitler at the Munich Conference o f 1938? (A) The Polish Corridor (B) The Rhineland (C) The Saar (D) Silesia (E) Sudetenland 97. The Western Allies and the Soviet Union agreed to all of the following easures to be implemented after the Second World War EXCEPT (A) the division of Berlin into four occupation zones (B) an international trial at Nuremberg of major Nazi leaders (C) a denazification program (D) the placing of Germany under the control of the United Nations (E) the disarmament of the German military 98. Nikita Khrushchev’s program of de-Stalinization involved all of the following EXCEPT (A) curbing the power of the political police (B) attacking Stalin’s cult of personality (C) disbanding agricultural collectives (D) reestablishing the primacy of the Communist party E) loosening controls over culture and society 99. Which of the following characterized Mussolini’s ideal of the fascist corporate state? I. Organization of the population into syndicates of employers, employees, and govern ment arbitrators II. Establishment of semiautonomous regional governments III. Abolition of strikes, lockouts, and the older trade unions (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III 100. Which of the following was a central part of National Socialist ideology? (A) Anticommunism (B) Conservatism (C) Protestantism (D) Utilitarianism (B) Syndicalism

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fire Safety and Dorm Polocies

The Ann Arbor Fire Department responded to the call at about 10:40 p. M. , but by that time the fire had already been contained by the hall's sprinkler system, officials said. No one was injured† (Caller, 2008). Here we see a fire related incident which took place at a residence hall in Michigan. Something as simple as a small electric fan could lead to large, costly damage. This incident relates to me because I made the decision to have a candle in my dorm room.An unlit candle to most would seem extremely harmless; however, there are many ways that it could put the people around it in danger. One way that a candle could cause a large problem would be if someone were to light it and have the smoke be caught by the smoke detector. Even if the owner did not light the candle, a roommate or friend that comes in the room while the owner is gone could easily light it. Furthermore, when a candle is lit and then in turn burned out smoke is released into the air. The smoke detectors ins talled in dorm rooms instantly trigger a sprinkler system which floods the room with water when smoke or ire is detected.When a room is flooded with water it affects the surrounding rooms as well. Rooms nearby will most likely have water damage as well which will definitely create a lot of unhappy residents. Not only will residents have to suffer from water damage in their rooms but they will also have to deal with temporary relocation. Students will most likely have to be moved into another dorm hall till the damage can be fixed. Unfortunately, no clean-up crew can replace textbooks, precious pictures or sentiments that could have been damaged from the flood of water or the fire.This is why residence halls have such a strict policy with fire related objects. Another way that candles can be of serious harm to those who surround it is through neglect. Say a resident decided to light a candle and then left it burning while they went to take a shower; a gust of wind from a closing door could easily cause a piece of paper on a desk to blow near it and catch fire and in turn begin to create a much larger fire from that. This is a simple scenario that shows how a simple candle on a desk could lead to a much larger problem.Another case where a residence hall fire caused severe damage was the Poland Hall Fire. â€Å"The fire began around 4:30 AM on January 19 when most students were asleep. It spread rapidly across three couches in the third floor lounge and approached temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (81 5 degrees Celsius) in less than five minutes. Though no accelerate was used, the fire burned hot enough to melt the synthetic carpet of the hall, causing severe injuries to many of the students attempting to escape the conflagration by crawling on the floor to reach the stairs.Most students on the third floor evacuated in the thick smoke using the staircases; a few Jumped over 40 feet (12 meters) to the ground. Three students died. Aaron Karol and Frank Calibrator died of thermal injuries, and John Giant died due to smoke inhalation. Fifty-eight students and firefighters were injured, four seriously enough to require lengthy hospital stays and rehabilitation† (Fisher, 2000). This case goes to show how intensely and quickly a fire can affect its surroundings.Not only was the building in which the fire was started destroyed but lives were also lost along with it. Hearing about the severe damage that a building and its residents can have from a small starting fire really make you second guess your decisions. Although having a simple unlit candle can seem like it would cause no harm, in reality it could result in lives lost, buildings destroyed and families of lost or injured loved ones extreme heartache. I would never want to impose those heart aching feelings on anyone.I now realize that my decision to own a candle in a dorm room was a terrible one. I have also learned that I need to think of all the possible outcomes of what could happen as a result of my decision making. This simple write up has changed my outlook on decision making for the better. To receive respect you must give respect which is why you need to think out your sections before you make them. I do not want my room flooded any more than the next person does so I should partake in fire conscious decisions if my other fellow residents are going to as well.Rules are set for a reason and as much as we like to break them they are there for our safety and to prevent anything tragic from happening from one stupid mistake. Along with the fire safety rule the rule about noise policy is Just as important. The actions we make affect everyone around us and choosing to be loud during stud actions we make affect everyone around us and choosing to be loud during study ours can definitely affect your surrounding residents in a negative way.They may be studying for a big exam that will determine whether or not they pass the class and the noise that someo ne is making could affect how well they retain the information they are studying. In all noise is not as large off problem as fire safety is, but it definitely something that can negatively affect its surrounding community. I have thought through my decisions of owning a candle and being too loud in the dorm room and I realize that they are both incidents that could have been avoided if I would have thought out my consequences.If I would have known about the several cases where fires have been started from something so simple as a candle or fan I would have never made the decision to purchase one. This has been a great learning lesson for me and I now know to think my actions out before I make them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Autobiography on Ernest Hemingway Essays - Ernest Hemingway

Autobiography on Ernest Hemingway Earnest Miller Hemingway was borin in Oak Park Illinois. After graduating from high school, he got a job at a paper called "Kansas City Star". Hemingway continually tried to enter the military, but his defective eye, hindered this task. Hemingway had managed to get a job driving an American Red Cross ambulance. During this expedition, he was injured and hospitalized. Hemingway had an affinity for a particular nurse at that hospital, her name was Agnes von Kurowsky. Hemingway continually proposed to her, and she continually denied. When Hemingway healed his injuries, he moved back to Michigan, and had wanted to write again. Hemingway married Hadley Richardson and was working in France, as a foreign corespondent, for the "Toronto Star". In 1925, he wrote a book called "In Our Time", which was marketed in New York. The next year he published a book called "The Sun Also Rises", a novel where he had his first success. The book deals with a group of desultory people in exile from France and Spain-members of the "lost generation", a phrase made famous by Hemingway himself. In post-war years, Hemingway spent most of his time writing books. But, when his first marriage failed, and produced a son, John, he had married Pauline Pfeiffer, who had his next 2 children. Based in Paris, he had travelled for skiing, bullfighting, fishing, or hunting that by then had become what most of his work was all about. Hemingway, started writing short stories, among them was "Men Without Women" in 1927, and "A Farewell to Arms" in 1929. This story ("A Farewell to Arms"), shows a lovestory within a war time setting. Many people believe that Hemingway, did his writing at this period of his life. He once confessed "If I had not been hunting and fishing, I would have probably been writing." (Hemingway 283 (3)). Hemingway's stories were based on adventure, and different aspects of it. His love of spain, and his love of bullfighting, led him to write a book called "Death in the Afternoon". During the 1930's, Spain was in a civil war, still having ties in Spain, Hemingway made 4 trips their. He raised money, for a party called the "Loyalists". He wrote a book about it called "The Fifth Column". In this book, the narrator is the protagonist. From more experience in spain, he wrote a book called "Whom the Bell Tolls" in 1940. This book was the most successful writing, based on sales of the book. All of Hemingway's life, has been fascinated by wars. For example, in "A Farewell to Arms", he focussed on how war had no meaning, and was futile. Following the war in Europe, Hemingway returned to his home in Cuba, and his fourth marriage was with Mary Welsh-a correspondent whom he had met in London and whom he would be married to for the last time. In 1953, Hemingway recieved a Pulitzer prize for his book "The Old Man and the Sea". As one critic put it "Hemingway was a cheerful, irascible, by turns generous, and selfish, expansive and egocentric. Hemingway was hedonistic and dedicated, in love with life and yet by his own admission obsessed with death." (Hemingway 221 (2)) By 1960, Hemingway was driven out of Cuba (Because of Castro), and moved to Finca, and then he moved to a house in Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway was suffering from severe depression, and anxiety attacks. He had gone to the mayo clinic in Massachusettes, to recieve electro-shock therapy, but it didn't work out for him at all. Later that same year, Hemingway ended his life, with a shot gun. Bibliography 1)Baker, Carlos H. Hemmingway:A Life Story Scribner, 1969 2)Lynn, Kenneth S. Hemmingway Simon & Schuster, 1987 3)McDowell, Nicholas. Hemingway Rourke, 1989 4)Meyers, Jeffrey Hemingway:A Biography Harper, 1985 5)Lovelock, James Hemingway Harvard University Press, 1985

Friday, September 27, 2019

Size up Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Size up Process - Essay Example For example, a fire that occurs along a highway will require different tools and techniques as compared to a fire that occurs in a residential area. Upon getting to the scene of the incident, the commanding officers normally size up the scene of the incident so as to come up with an action plan (Smoke, 2005, p.323). All other crew members are expected to follow the instructions of the commanding officer. The most crucial element of a size up structure includes: the construction type, occupancy, apparatus, life, hazards, water supply, auxiliary appliances, staging, weather, exposures, area, location, time and hazardous materials. In a size up exercise, the strategic priorities that assist the commanding officer on the ground include; rescueing, exposure, confinement, extinguishing, overhaul, ventilating and salvaging. The size up exercise is crucial as it enables the fire officials to anticipate the emergencies as they occur. It also enables them to evaluate the hose lines required, the location of the incident and identifying the potential fire victims. The size up exercise must be able to evaluate and examine the incident in terms of the safety to the personnel and public, the impact on the environment and the exposure to threats (Localizado, 2004, p.227).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impact of Employee Participation on Job Satisfaction Dissertation

Impact of Employee Participation on Job Satisfaction - Dissertation Example One of the major challenges which the management of most of the organizations are facing is to develop and implement effective human resource strategies. Developing effective human resource strategies are required because they enhance the overall performance of organizations. Job satisfaction, employees participation, team empowerment are some important components of human resource strategy. Since most of the organizations are facing structural weaknesses and internal challenges, therefore, learning the determinants of job satisfaction has become very important for management. It is generally argued that employees’ participation in the organization, enhance their motivation level thereby, increasing the job satisfaction of people. The aim of this report is to evaluate whether there is a link between employees participation and job satisfaction or not and how participation may increase job satisfaction. This report is very important to understand the factors which may help the organization to increase job satisfaction to the workers. In addition to the impact of employees’ participation on job satisfaction, this report will also determine the role of the level of motivation and organizational trust of employees. Therefore, this report will be really worthwhile for the companies to learn the importance of employees’ participation at a workplace.  To achieve high individual and organization performance, companies are seeking to devise various strategies and employees’ participation in decision making is one of them. Huge literature work has been done to study the impact of employees’ participation on job satisfaction.

Journalism - The Culture and Civiliztion tradition and the Frankfurt Essay

Journalism - The Culture and Civiliztion tradition and the Frankfurt School agree that mass culture is bad for us but for different reasons. Discuss - Essay Example Both the Frankfurt School and the Culture and Civilization tradition put forward the same point that mass culture is not good for us but they presented different reasons to support their views. The Frankfurt school is not supportive of mass culture because it puts forward the opinion that mass culture gives way to capitalism. According to this thought mass culture only puts forward the opinion and the culture of the people who are politically dominant and imposes this upon the people who are less powerful and the minorities. It explains that mass culture is the culture that is the ways and the methods adopted by the people who are politically powerful or financially stronger. These ways are then enforced upon the working class that is the people who are weak so that the power of the already powerful remains intact (Nealon & IRR 2002). The Frankfurt school claims that mass culture depoliticizes the lower class. The Frankfurt school suggests that with new technologies men have been replaced with machinery and there is more leisure time and hence more exposure so there is greater spread of mass culture and hence there is greater oppression and suppression of the working class . according to this thought mass culture destroys individuality and diminishes the creativity and thoughts of an individual by enforcing upon everyone the thoughts of the popular masses (Storey 1998,2001). Adorno who is a prominent thinker of the Frankfurt school writes in his book Dialectic of Enlightment: â€Å"The purity of bourgeois art, which hypostatized itself as a world of freedom in contrast to what was happening in the material world, was from the beginning bought with the exclusion of the lower classes - with whose cause, the real universality, art keeps faith precisely by its freedom from the ends of false universality† (Adorno, Horkheimer & Cumming 1979, p 120-167). Although the culture and civilization tradition is also against mass culture but it puts forward different

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare china main land economic and Taiwan Research Paper

Compare china main land economic and Taiwan - Research Paper Example venue had risen to $2278 while that of Mainland had remained a paltry $256.This broadening gap between the two economies had started attracting global attention. Taiwan mostly is considered to have embraced market capitalism whereas China is considered to be a predominantly socialistic country. However both nations have shown that they do not pursue a purely socialistic system or capitalistic system. They in actuality pursue a mixture of both kinds to various levels. Despite the fact that Taiwan pursues a system that is capitalistic ,the government still controls the finance and banking system and makes decisions on which industries it should support and protect. Conversely, China began out under firm socialism but over the years but has started to change so as to widen both domestic and foreign markets. One of the key bases for the disparities in growth between China and Taiwan was the distinctions in international trade. Thus industries that are high-exporting seem to lead to productivity that is faster than industries that are low-exporting. Firms that are owned by the state without any foreign assistance tend to be less productive than the ones that are privatized or joint-ventures having foreign direct investment (FDI). It wasn’t just a coincidence therefore that China for the earliest time ever matched Taiwan’s 8% GDP growth rate that it has had for years after opening up of its foreign markets, allowing the entry of FDI. One of the key stated merits of communism/socialism over capitalism is stability in growth over lengthy periods of time. Taiwan has however under capitalism displayed a more stabilized GDP growth of around 8% over the past 5 decades while China has exhibited unstable and negative GDP growth rate to a point where the government of China refused t o expose statistics officially anymore (Lijun, 2002). It wasn’t until recently when the Chinese government embraced advantages of capitalism that their economy eventually started to grow

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fallacies in Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fallacies in Advertisement - Essay Example With the tag line ‘feed your dreams,’ the ad was trying to associate the product with the accomplishments of the three men who were featured. Upon looking at the advertisement, a couple of questions occurred to me: suppose I would take in such product, would that necessarily feed my dreams? And what would ‘feed my dreams’ mean actually? It was so ambiguous that any meaning could be associated with it. Suppose I try to give it some meaning, which was to encourage me and make my dreams come true like those men who were featured, would that make it similar to what Muscle Milk was trying to portray in the ad? And what dreams would the product make come true, only those who dream to be like those ‘rookies’ and top athletes? It seemed to me, with this ad, that Muscle Milk was trying to put some causal link between taking in their product and the successful careers of the three athletes. Would a successful career be a product of taking in a supplement like that? It does not necessarily follow, thus, this ad had committed fallacy of false cause. Like some of the more informed consumers, I always looked for some reason to believe as regards the claim of a company’s product in its advertisement. The one thing that I had noted in this advertisement was the reason to believe provided the wrong authority to back up the claim. I then asked myself, would I believe this advertisement in its claim for the benefits that Muscle Milk would offer if I were to buy some supplements? Should I not consult a dietitian or a nutritionist in order for me to know the effects of taking in such product to my body, had I wanted to reap the benefits that the product claimed? Therefore, if the claim to the benefits should prove to be true, surely, it should be the dietitians and not the athletes who were to be consulted? If the benefits were to be measured in terms of the effects to

Monday, September 23, 2019

How Demographics Affect Schools And Educational Processes Essay

How Demographics Affect Schools And Educational Processes - Essay Example The NCLB Act requires all states to demonstrate their annual progress in increasing the percentage of pupils â€Å"proficient in reading and math and in narrowing the test-score gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students†. The law is also responsible for encouraging states to improve upon the standards of student testing, overhauling their systems of accountability and ascertaining the qualifications of their teachers in their relevant subject areas. Ever since the NCLB law has been passed, many non-profit organizations have been making significant contributions towards the objective of closing the achievement gap. Some such organizations include the and Related Education Programming, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Teachers21 organization. The Teachers21 Organization is only one of the many significant organizations working for the systemic reformation of the education system of America. In a document proposing steps that can be taken for the reduction of â€Å"educational inequities†, the organization recognizes that the NCLB Act â€Å"has more keenly focused state and district attention to these achievement gaps and the needs of traditionally low-performing students. This document also outlines various studies pertaining to the subject of the reasons behind the achievement gap, professing that a number of scholars opine that in order for this issue to be addressed in its entirety, the social and economic reasons that contribute to achievement gaps need to be resolved. The organization supports the view of Rothstein (2004) and a significant number of others that the elimination of gaps in academic achievement and the fulfillment of the goal of educational equity require a total and determined commitment to mak e sincere efforts that address

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Future Life Reading Essay Example for Free

Future Life Reading Essay First, I can see a man and a woman walking into view from the bottom left of the image, diagonally across the scene to the top right. They are holding hands as they walk. She is wearing a very light and airy thin materialed flowing white dress; I cannot see her hair color. She is a thin woman. The man, as they are walking is pointing things out to the woman, things in the distance. He seems to speak a lot about the things he is pointing at. He has black hair and is wearing a shirt or a jacket that reminds me of Star Trek: TNG, or other similar sci-fi attire, goldish in color and almost sparkly; the edges a 2† (at least) thick line of slightly lighter color around the outer edges of the garment. The setting appears to be sand in color, Egypt would be the closest reference from here on earth, and the sun is shining. There are others around, but not immediately close-by to this couple. (To note: As I was writing this, at about 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time, I got a very strong smell of beer. I do not have any beer in my home.) Second, I got a close up image of a woman’s face/head. She has moderately long dark hair, and wears what appear to be thick-lensed glasses. She is sitting in some sort of layered seating such as in an auditorium, arena, or university classroom. She is holding a pen or pencil in her right hand between her fingers, constantly moving her hand around as she speaks to a person seated to her right. I believe the person she is speaking with is male, adult, but I cannot see him. All the while, she is watching and listening to what is going on in front of her. She was wearing a light colored long-sleeved thin blouse. Third, it started with an upside-down workboot. Behind this workboot, faded in the image of a garage or auto shop. The room looked large, but only seemed to have 1 garage door. The boot faded as other images came into view. In this garage, there is now a car at the far wall, directly across from the open door, which has 2 people on the other side of it. One man, which is clearly visible, is the focus of the scene. This man is older, white or very light grey hair, and he is wearing an orange t-shirt. This man is close to 6-feet tall from the look of it. The other man with him is like a shadow figure, never coming into view enough to see him, only enough to see that he is there; he is shorter than the older man. The older gentleman in the orange shirt is looking over toward another part of this room and seems to be arguing with someone. He doesn’t look happy at all. I cannot see the person he is arguing with, however, I get the feeling that he is arguing with his wife over something as he is getting ready to leave to go somewhere. Directly outside the garage door, I can see pavement and grass to the side, and there looks to be a fence next to the grass. On the grass, I see something largely red with blue, definitely a child’s toy; it looks like it may be a small wagon or dump truck, but I can’t see for sure. There is something else to the left of this object but I cannot make it out either; I’m guessing a tricycle.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Queen Rania of Jordan: Leadership Case Study

Queen Rania of Jordan: Leadership Case Study Introduction: Queen Rania Queen Rania of Jordan is one of the most influential personalities of the Middle East. She has been called as the New Face of Islamic feminism in the recent world i.e. 21st century. This graduate in business administration, a former banker and a mother of four works tirelessly to improve the conditions of weaker sections of her country and to improve the image of her country on the world stage. She claims to represent the large segment of Arab women, sharing their hopes and aspirations with their face. PERSONAL LIFE: Early Life: As far as her family background is concerned, Queen Rania does not belong to a royal lineage and formerly was Rahia al Yasin. The origin of family is from West Bank of River Jordan. It was previously a part of Palestine that has been annexed by Jordan after 1948 Arab Israeli Conflict and again taken by Israel in the year 1967.Today it is a disputed area as West Bank territories central to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Because of the continuous instability Rania father, a partition (doctor of childrens), settled in Kuwait in early 60s and became a prosperous man. Childhood and Education: Rania was born on August 31st, 1970 in Kuwait city. She did her early education at a private school New English School After completing her early education in Kuwait, Rania graduated in Business administration from American University in Cairo in 1991. About her childhood experience she writes There was a very large expatriate community in Kuwait. My classroom had child from many different Nationalities. So I grew up with people of Europe, the United States Africa, and the Fareast. These interactions make me realize how alike we are that makes us similar much more Career: After her graduation from American University Rania could not return to Kuwait because it was occupied by Iraqis forces under Saddan Hussain region and the family had to flee to Jordan. Rania follow her family to Jordan Capital Amman and joined City bank there and then served for a short period at the local office of Apple Computer. Here her business contracts brought her a dinner invitation by Prince Abdullah, who was serving military at that time, happen to be present in that party and came in contact with her. Family Life: Rania began her life with her husband Prince Abdullah in 1993 and blessed by four children vs. Prince Hussain (who was named in honor of his grandfather), king Hussain of Jordan, princess Iman and princess Salma and the fourth one is Prince Hashem. King Hussain, the then ruler of Jordan and father of prince Abdullah was fighting with cancer and passed away in 1999.Just before his demise he has chosen Prince Abdullah as his designated heir. RANIA AS A QUEEN: Although king Abdullah ascended on 7th February 1999, Rania had to wait up to march 22 1999, when her husband proclaimed her Queen. Social Life or HM The Queen Rania of Jordan has been declared 76th in the list of 100 most powerful women of world nearly 600,000 people follow her on twitter. She significant strides in promoting East West dialogue by leading a series of files in you tube that explored shared misdeal heritage. Hence she was awarded the first ever Visionary Award by you tube work of H.M. The queen Rania can be divided into the following heads: Domestic Agenda : Her majesty has so many activities on her domestic agenda which includes : A) Madra Sati (My School) This program is the brain child of the Queen Rania, which she launched in April 2008.It, is a public private initiative with an aim to refresh 500 of Jordans public schools over a period of 500 years. She also launched Queen Rania Award for excellence in Education with awards to principals in April 2009. B) H.N the Queen Rania established the first interactive children museum of Jordan. It was established in May 2007. Queen Rania is also chairperson of the royal health Awareness society. This is guide for health for the citizen of Jordan. Queen Rainia recognized three factors to build happy families and healthy homes via Expertise and Energy of Staff at RHAS Ideas and Enthusiasm of Students. Commitments of Partners. At front of higher education, HM Queen Rania scholarship Programmed was established in partnership with several leading varsities from around the world. These scholarships are given in the field of management and marketing, design, finance, business, psychology, architecture, law etc. The standard of scholarships is high and these are given only to most outstanding achievers. These scholarships are given to create a more innovative and dynamic workforce with an eye to fill the existing knowledge gap in for domain labor market which aims at more sustainable socioeconomic model. COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT It is a nonprofit organization started in Amman to empower society, especially women and children. It is aimed to improve the quality of life and to secure a better future to all for domain through a sustainable socioeconomically and cultural program. It has a weaving project named Bani Hamida weaving project, which promotes Bedouins handicrafts and improve economic and social well being of Bedouins handicrafts and improve economic and social well being of Bedouins women and children. Wadi Al Rayan project is another project hosted by Jordan River Foundation. A group 165 women is engaged in this project in making baskets mats, and furniture from local banana leaves and cattail reeds. SUSTAINABILITY: Queen Rania actively supports the development of sustainable tourism in Jordan through Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN).RSCN is a non profit, non government organization. It is supported by institutions and individual donation. It is supported by bird life international, world conservation Union (IUCN); later it becomes the largest democratic conservation agency in the world. RSCN was instrumental in establishment of IUCN which covers west Asia.RSCN and IUCN are partners in implementing Jordan Rift valley project and co financing part of this project through direct technical support. International fund for animal welfare (IFAW) also cooperates with RSCN with an aim to enhance biodiversity protection in Jordan. Queen Rania has supported the partnership between Ministry of tourism and Antiquities with WHA (World Heritage Alliance for Sustainable Tourism) YOUTH PROGRAMME She is a strong supporter of junior achievement of world wide. The later is a nonprofit youth organization founded in the year 1919 by Horace Moses. This is the worlds largest and nonprofit organization dedicated to teach the students about entrepreneurism, workforce management and financial activities. GLOBAL AGENDA Human Rights for Women Is a serious practice of killing women, who are found, engaged in extra mental of fairs? Usually it is done by the male members of the family. The telegraph writes about Queen Rania in following words (3rd Dec 2011).Queen Rania, who regularly appears without head scarf, let alone hi job, has given her quiet support to womens rights group who wants to change laws amounting to legal impurity for men involved in honor killing. Queen Rania is supported by Islamic scholars like Sheikh Hamza by insisting that Islamic law or Sharia does not support honor killing is nothing to do with Islam. B). GLOBAL LEADERSHIP The world economic forum is an independent international Organization committed to improving the state of world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agenda. H.M Queen Rania is also the chairperson for the nomination of young global leader at WEF. She was the only serving member from Arab world when she attended her first weekly at WEF in 2003. In Nov 2000, Queen Rania was invited to join the global leadership initiative of United Nations Children Fund in recognition of her concern to the cause of children and youth. Vaccine Fund is non-profit International Organization which harnesses resources to seek to provide vaccination of children in the countries of world. In early 2002, the board of Directors of International Youth Foundation has appointed Queen Rania as its member. This foundation is based in BALTIMORE in USA and helps young people to learn basic life skills, education and training. They need to succeed. Queen Rania is also the Honorary Chair of the Board of Governors of the Packman Terric institute of la Roche College (USA).This offers scholarships to young outstanding talented youth from developing countries. She is honorary President of the Arab Academy for Banking and financial Sciences. This is a pioneer institute in field of Banking and Financial activities. She is also honorary president of the Arab Women Labor Affairs Committee of Arab labor Organization. She is honorary chairperson of Jordan Chapter of operation Smile, which is an organization (a secular NGO) providing help to the children worldwide for surgeries of cleft lip and cleft palate. Queen Rania is also patron of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and was awarded by the Italian government for the achievement in this field of osteoporosis. Her majesty is the president of Jordan society for Organ Donation. (Her Majesty Queen Raina) Queen Rania: A Role Model for Future Generation Queen Rania is really an icon and role model for young generation. She is involved in so many activities for human well being that she can considered as one of the worlds greatest leaders. These activities include: Focus on quality and caliber of education for children especially for girl children. The most important project in this regard is Mordacity Palestine to rehabilitate and refurbish the public school of Jordan. She also started Mordacity Palestine for ovate dilapidated schools east Jerusalem. Her majesty also established Al Aman Fund in 2003 which works to provide education to the orphans. Community Empowerment : Jordan Rive Foundation a brain child of H.M Queen is a nonprofit NGO working in the field of community empowerment , started in Dec 1995.The foundation mission statement reads as follows: The foundations mission is to promote, in partnership with stakeholders, the development of a dynamic society by initiating and supporting sustainable social, economic, and cultural program that empowers community and individuals based as their needs and priorities This organization is committed to improve the lives of children and families through: National program Community Empowerment Program JRF Children Program JRF consist of the following components: A showroom in Jabal Amman. Bani Hamidias Womens Weaving Project. Based in Mukawir, near Madaba this project aims to improve the economical and social conditions of Bedouin women and children. Bani Hamida handicrafts are displayed by JRF in the showroom. Wadi Al Rajan Project for women empowerment consisting of a group involved in making handicraft items from locally available banana leaves and cattail reads. Her majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah has involved in all aspects of JRF. She is the chairperson of the Board of transteers of this fund and provides visionary leadership to the program. H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah is actively involved in development of Jordans sustainable tourism through royal society for the conservation of Nature. Under her leadership Jordan is evolving as a safe and unique destination offering modern services with authenticity and heritage. Human Rights: HM Queen Rania has an excellent track record in the field of Human Rights. She is in particularly vocal against honor killing. On International Stage too, her majesty is a prominent figure especially in the front of global education and child welfare.UNICEF has invited her to join its global Leadership Initiative in recognition of her commitment to the cause of children. she was also named as the first eminent Advocate for children and also become Honorary Global Chairperson of the UNGEI(United Nations Girls Education Initiative) Queen Rania stresses particularly about the cross culture dialogue to promote greater understanding, tolerance and acceptance in the world. She always use her status to correct misconception about Islam, Arab world, and womens role in Islam Her majesty is also a member of many International Foundations and Forum like Foundation Board of young Global Leaders, world Economic Forums etc. It must be emphasized there are only some of the preoccupations of her majesty and are testimony of hard of Queen of Jordan in service of her nation and international Community. That is why she is a fit role model for any Jordanian youth in his/her future carrier. (Queen Raina of Jordan) LEADERSHIP REQUIRED BY UAE Before discussing the leadership required by UAE we must explore various theories of leadership. Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in order to achieve a common goal. It must emphasized that a leader may or may not have a formal authority. There are eight types of major leadership theories prevailing in Contemporary world i.e. 1.Great Man Theories: These theories assume that the great man are borne and not made. These theories presume that leadership is inherited. These types of theories are predominately needed by military advantages and expeditions and in situation of crisis. 2. Trait Theories: These are the modifications of great man theories which presume that certain trait inheritance are required for a person to develop. These theories identify certain common characters in behavior of leaders. 3. Contingency Theory: It describes many variables for leadership to develop. As per this, any different type of leadership are required in different situations. Success is a result of interaction of different variables including the leadership style, qualities of followers and components of situation. 4. Situational Theories: These theories propose the choice of best action in a particular situation. This type of leadership is more appropriate for decision making. 5. Behavior Theories: These theories believe that great leaders are not born but are made. They are based on the action of leader in a particular situation and not on her mental abilities. According to these theories people can learn to become leader through training and education. 6. Participative Theories: Such leaders encourage participation and contribution from their followers and involve them in decision making process. 7. Management Theories: Management or transactional theories take in account the role of Supervision and group performance. As a matter of fact these are the blend of above discussed theories. This type of leadership depends on the reward and Punishment. Phenomenon is supposed to be best suited for business situations. 8. Relationship theories or Transformational Theories: These are based on the mutual understanding and relation bonding between leaders and followers. These leaders motivated inspire like a mentor i.e. they bring up the potential of individuals. Such leaders usually have high ethical and moral standards. Regarding UAE, a blend of almost all the theories except the first one(as there is no crisis or military expedition) are required to meet the challenges of business, social and cultural reforms, education requirement and health aspects. It must be realized that in UAE, the business management deals with the cultural diversity with many nationalities, ethical and cultural groups coming together to achieve a common goal. Moreover today is the era of virtual organization i.e. mostly the organizations are operating via electronic means and there is no face to face interaction of parties involved in the business. Online business is the word coined to denote such business outsourcing is the backbone of such organization along with the telecommunication. So, two different organization may enter into contract involve into exchange of services and payments without community in close contact with other. This may be called as Virtual Organization. This is to emphasize that leadership of these o f organization require a high degree of Managerial Capabilities especially with the phenomenon of globalization of market place i.e. the Integration of National Economic into the International ones through trade, foreign Direct Investment, Capital Flows, Migration Communication and transportation. This results into various nationalities etc to come on a common platform. The economy of UAE is mainly a business based one apart from being oil based. HSBC trade confidence index ranks 2nd in world behind India. So in the last it can be concluded that a leadership with strong managerial capabilities is the most suited one for UAE. (Queen Raina) HANDLING THE MULTICULTURAL WORKFORCE Multicultural Workforce refers to a non power of varying social, cultural, racing and ability characteristics. It is also denoted as diversified workforce. The main challenges is handling a diversified or multicultural workforce, is to accommodate the life style, ethical values, work style and need of these different group without compromising with the common goal on operations of an organization. A business leader can use the diverse characteristics of a multicultural human wealth to a strategic advantage with creativity. A multicultural workforce makes a good business opportunity. Organizations with corporate environment are now facing a difficult question i.e. Can Diversity be best treated by equal treatment or differential treatment? Although the advocated of anti discrimination may argue that it is inhuman or illegal in certain countries but some managers may argue that this premises ignores the fundamental of diversity i.e. the different behavior of the people from different nationality or Ethnic groups in different condition. For example an employee from the Far East may be happy if he is asked to work for more hours and paid for that extra period of time. On the other hand, the same person simply refused to work more if he will not be paid. But at the same time treating work force in a differential way may result into resentment and can erode morale. Such difficulties are enhanced when weaker sections of society like women are involved. However such difficulties may be addressed by simple measures like: Having warm attitude towards all employees regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnical origin. This practice must exist at top managerial level without prejudice. Multi Cultural Dialogue: The man power of an organization diversified origins should be asked for a directed inter cultural dialogue. This means setting up a discussion group by top management with participants from different origins, nationality, ethnicity, or social backgrounds. This type of dialogues will result into exchange of cultural knowledge and the participants will learn more about why their co workers believe and act the way they do. This leads to a greater tolerance. Cross Cultural Training Seminars: holding of cross cultural training seminar is a positive approach to deal with a multiethnic workforce. Experts from multiethnic elations are to be involved in this type of approach to teach the employees to bridge the cultural gap between them. Such type of seminars may include value origin, world view and tolerance development. Core Values of Employees: This is perhaps the most important action that top management can have to understand the behavior of persons from different ethnic groups in their organization. This is greatly facilitated by presence of Internet and the Information about different cultures is just a click away. So it is clear that a multicultural workforce is not a challenge rather an opportunity creation and approach management in an organization. DEVELOPMENT OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP The effective leadership can impart great deal of motivation in his followers resulting into a high level of achievements. This must be realized that self learning is the most important tool to develop an effective leadership. As the leader is the mentor of his followers it is important for him to acquire more and more knowledge, skill and education to pass it to them. To develop a good leadership one must explain: A basic sense of the System of organization, its function and role and how they are integrated to achieve the goal of the organization. Functions of management, Leadership are one of them and their integration in the organization. A continuous training of the management methodology is a must in this regard. Different traits, models and theories of leadership including different domains of it. As each domain requires different approach and competencies in order to lead that domain a continuous coaching of the leader is a must to develop such qualities. Finally how one can develop his abilities in leadership in a formal or informal way Developing Effective Leaders: Developing leaders to be more effective comes under the domain of leadership development program, which refers to any activity undertaken with a view to enhance the quality and effectiveness of leadership in an organization. These activities may range from management program like MBA, Business diplomas or any post graduate courses offer by companies owned universities, action learning i.e. an Education process of learning by ones own action and experiences in order to improve performance. There may be high rope courses, which are challenging outdoor personal development and team building activity. Such programs are usually constructed in trees or made of utility poles and require strict safety measures to be followed. However there is a non census to be followed about their utility in developing effective leadership. It is also to be emphasized at this level that leaders are rather developed internally rather than recruited. Future Leadership Requirement Model: A leader with focus more on Strategic issues and organizational changes, rather than current operational problem. Apart from leadership competence, a future leadership model will require to take into consideration of issues like work/life balance, potential advances in globalization, technology and return of Investment and increasing interest in the integrity and character of leaders and new way of thinking about leadership.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Awakening - Movie :: essays research papers

Throughout the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove problems. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to prove something and make into a law or theory based on your final product and findings. It is composed of several steps, it starts with observations. Observations are where a person collects known data concerning what you are going to test on. Next they formulate a hypothesis based on their observations. After they have a hypothesis they perform several experiments to prove or disprove it. After this, they then form a theory and experiment based on their hypothesis. More observations and experiments follow this, until they finally come to a conclusion which is called a law. Throughout the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams uses the observation, hypotheses and experimenting steps in the scientific method. Observations included, noticing the lifeless behavior shown by the patients, their reflexes to moving objects, and the fact that they all had cases of encephalitis before. After he did all the research he formed several hypotheses and experimented to prove them. Robin Williams used strobe lights, talked to them, measured their brain patterns, and used games such as a Ouija board to prove some of his hypotheses. After he formed several hypotheses and experimented with them, he came across an article that explained how the use of a certain type of medicine which was used to treat a disease related to the one that he was investigating. He tried administrating the medicine to one of his patients, and observed the results. The patient demonstrated normal, human conditions and seemed to have no side effects. He then made a law that stated the medicine helped his patient, and gave it to all the patients in the ward. However, his observations were incorrect and the side effects were devastating. This is how Robin Williams demonstrated the steps of the scientific method

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Machiavelli vs Islamic political thought :: essays research papers

Machiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Niccolo Machiavelli was a political realist. He thought there were certain skills and characteristics needed to become a political ruler. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli gives advice on how to be a successful prince, or ruler. â€Å"Successful† is partly based on how powerful a ruler was during his lifetime (reign), but largely based on how much the prince affected the lives, through laws or societal norms, of future generations. Machiavelli was mainly interested in attaining and keeping political power. He believed people were inherently selfish and would, by nature, not respect the law or work for the common good, without civic virtues. The only way to ‘control’ these human urges was to instill national pride and mutual respect for all citizens of a state. The difference in Machiavellian thought, up to this point in history, from other philosophers was he believed political authority was no longer justified by religious or spiritual doct rines. Although Machiavelli believed this to be true, he still knew it was important for citizens to maintain a commitment for the common good, through national pride and respect. Another aspect of differing thought up to this point in time was Machiavelli knew promoting civic virtue in citizens needed to be coupled with the pursuit of individual liberty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Machiavelli, in his writings, talks about several different forms of government. Specifically, monarchies, aristocracies, and democracies. He was able to pick apart monarchies, establishing the difference between ‘new’ and old monarchies. The new monarchies are the hard ones to maintain, because people are not susceptible to change, in fact they almost revolt against it, unless the new ruler can make good on his word and keep his promises. Machiavelli’s preferred form of government was the republic. A republic is a mixing of the three governments aforementioned. Having the government made up of the nobles, the elite, and the commoners establishes a set of checks and balances against one another. No one, particular group will be able to take control of the state again. And in fact, the people (citizens) tend to have more leverage than any other faction. Machiavelli knew people were mainly concerned about their property and well being of their fa mily. He also knew the government’s job was to protect both, in addition to helping the people prosper and follow their â€Å"hearts,† if you will. Machiavelli believed only certain people could become rulers, because it took a special sort of person.

The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry :: Environment, Toxic Waste Affluents

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has fast growing at the rate of 14 percent per year [Indian brand equality foundation, 2009] and its ranks is very high in the third world, in terms of technology, quality and range of medicines manufactured. A rapid expansion and sophistication of chemical and pharmaceutical industries has increased the amount and complexity of toxic waste effluents. The effective removal of substances included in pharmaceutical effluents is a challenging task due to the wide variety of Chemicals produced biological products ,medicinal chemicals , botanical products in drug manufacturing plants such as analgesic, antibiotics, antidepressants, antidiabetics, contracepes, growth regulators, drugs, painkillers, and tranuilizers (Robinson et al., 2007; Ghauch et al., 2009) which lead to wastewaters of variable compositions into natural systems and consequent degradation of the environment (Mehta, G at al.1995). The effluent generated from these industries is typi cally toxics, colored, organic and turbid with high suspended solids. This in turn has led to an increase in various kinds of diseases. For example many organic compounds that are recalcitrant in nature are produced while manufacturing pharmaceutical products, while most of them that are poorly degradable are released in effluent. And sometimes formation of N-nitrosamines, a possible carcinogen in stomach another issue of ecological concern is causing of algal blooms or eutrophication in water bodies (Chih-Hsiang Liao et al., 2003). The pharmaceutical effluents were treated by traditional techniques such as ï ¬â€šocculation, coagulation, conventional biological treatment, ï ¬ ltration, reverse osmosis, precipitation ,incineration, and triple effect evaporator because of high TDS. In these approaches, the pollutants are transferred from a liquid phase to a solid phase (Takaoka et al., 2007), and also facing corrosion problems. A biological treatment is highly effective for the re moval of most contaminants, however biodegradation processes are inherently slow and do not allow for high degrees of removal. The sludge formed during biological treatment has to be disposed either by land filling or burning, which increases considerably the running costs. In addition, sludge disposal may pose further environmental problems.( Noelia Barrabes et al., 2011) In this sense, catalytic process appears as the most promising technology. Current pharmaceutical industry were practicing triple effect evaporate for treatment of high dissolved solids, in these route high amount of sludge is generated and also high amount of steam required. Now a day the researchers are mainly focus on the eco-friendly and economically viable technologies are much desirable in these days. The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry :: Environment, Toxic Waste Affluents The Indian pharmaceutical industry has fast growing at the rate of 14 percent per year [Indian brand equality foundation, 2009] and its ranks is very high in the third world, in terms of technology, quality and range of medicines manufactured. A rapid expansion and sophistication of chemical and pharmaceutical industries has increased the amount and complexity of toxic waste effluents. The effective removal of substances included in pharmaceutical effluents is a challenging task due to the wide variety of Chemicals produced biological products ,medicinal chemicals , botanical products in drug manufacturing plants such as analgesic, antibiotics, antidepressants, antidiabetics, contracepes, growth regulators, drugs, painkillers, and tranuilizers (Robinson et al., 2007; Ghauch et al., 2009) which lead to wastewaters of variable compositions into natural systems and consequent degradation of the environment (Mehta, G at al.1995). The effluent generated from these industries is typi cally toxics, colored, organic and turbid with high suspended solids. This in turn has led to an increase in various kinds of diseases. For example many organic compounds that are recalcitrant in nature are produced while manufacturing pharmaceutical products, while most of them that are poorly degradable are released in effluent. And sometimes formation of N-nitrosamines, a possible carcinogen in stomach another issue of ecological concern is causing of algal blooms or eutrophication in water bodies (Chih-Hsiang Liao et al., 2003). The pharmaceutical effluents were treated by traditional techniques such as ï ¬â€šocculation, coagulation, conventional biological treatment, ï ¬ ltration, reverse osmosis, precipitation ,incineration, and triple effect evaporator because of high TDS. In these approaches, the pollutants are transferred from a liquid phase to a solid phase (Takaoka et al., 2007), and also facing corrosion problems. A biological treatment is highly effective for the re moval of most contaminants, however biodegradation processes are inherently slow and do not allow for high degrees of removal. The sludge formed during biological treatment has to be disposed either by land filling or burning, which increases considerably the running costs. In addition, sludge disposal may pose further environmental problems.( Noelia Barrabes et al., 2011) In this sense, catalytic process appears as the most promising technology. Current pharmaceutical industry were practicing triple effect evaporate for treatment of high dissolved solids, in these route high amount of sludge is generated and also high amount of steam required. Now a day the researchers are mainly focus on the eco-friendly and economically viable technologies are much desirable in these days.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Of MIce and Men: Curley’s Wife Essay

Names have been an important facet of society for as long as Homo sapiens have existed. A name is defined as â€Å"a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity. † In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck teaches a lesson about the nature of human existence and shows how grim and isolated people become without hope. Steinbeck neglects to address Curley’s wife’s character by name in order to emphasize her position as a literary element and provide commentary on society in the time period during which he lived. Curley’s wife is never named because Steinbeck wished to emphasize the ubiquitous dislike of her throughout the farm. Whilst reading the novella, it is implied that no one on the farm likes Curley’s wife. However, there isn’t necessarily a flaw in her personality from which this aversion to her stems. The characters avoid interaction with her because they fear retribution from her possessive, short-tempered husband. The men on the farm begin to foster hatred toward her because her constant need for attention puts their livelihoods in danger. The men can’t ever get too familiar with her because they are distanced by the fact that she is Curley’s wife. Steinbeck constantly reminds the readers and the characters in the book of this fact by denying her a proper name. Second in the litany of reasons why Curley’s wife remains unnamed throughout the entire novella is that Steinbeck wishes to superimpose over the entire story the idea that she was a possession of Curley’s and not an independent entity. During the course of the novella, we run across multiple instances in which Curley is angered by even the idea of his wife consorting with other men, even in a platonic manner. As previously stated, Curley would even resort to firing men if he was unpleased with the way the interacted with his wife. The reader is able to draw a parallel between the way Curley treats and acts toward his wife and the way someone would act when dealing with an object of theirs. It is very clear that she is expected (by Curley and the other men, save Lennie) to obey Curley at all times. At the period in time in which the novella is set, women are expected to submit to their husband wordlessly and this is thoroughly explored in Of Mice and Men through Curley and his wife’s relationship. The zeitgeist of 1937(the year in which the book was published) and its subsequent influence on literature written around that time period is another reason Curley’s wife remains nameless. In that time, women were considered inferior to men and weren’t nearly as important in the public eye. One must remember when reading Of Mice and Men that the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote only became an addendum in 1920. The novella was set during The Great Depression a time during which women did not have the amount of authority in society as they do today. Curley’s wife was used to depict women as troublemakers that disrupt the flow of life for men. Steinbeck failed to assign Curley’s wife a name because it was acceptable at the time for women to be undermined and overlooked. By constantly referring to her as â€Å"Curley’s wife† Steinbeck undermines her character as an independent person because she is forced to always be associated to Curley. With this â€Å"minor oversight† Steinbeck was able to use her character in idiomatic ways to enhance his writing. As indicated previously, Steinbeck writes Curley’s wife as a literary element to enhance the story as opposed to a character in the story. Almost humorously, one of the outcomes of refusing her a proper name (which I suspect was intentional) is that it caused the reader to direct more attention to her than anyone else in the story. Steinbeck is commonly known as an author who utilizes descriptions as a way to portray his characters. Curley is often mentioned as â€Å"the boss’s son. † Slim is introduced as the â€Å"jerkline skinner. † Crooks is solely referred to as â€Å"the stable buck† or simply ‘nigger’ until chapter 4. Despite the fact that all these characters have names, they are relatively miniscule parts of the story when push comes to shove, the nameless wife is the one who causes things to happen and mandates attention from every angle, be it real or fictitious (by which I mean from both readers and characters within the story). The most convincing reason yet as to why Curley’s wife remains unnamed lays in something Steinbeck once said in an interview. Steinbeck described her character as a symbol. He was recorded to have said â€Å"She has no function, except to be a foil – and a danger to Lennie. † She was the antagonist who provided the main characters something to be anxious about; she was the force that put up massive hurdles for the protagonists to overcome. A villain is defined as â€Å"The person or thing responsible for specified trouble, harm, or damage. † Inadvertently, such was the purpose of Curley’s wife. It wasn’t her plan to end Lennie’s life. She simply pursued what she felt she deserved: male attention. Her need to fill this desire for attention became so intense that it ultimately caused tragedy. In conclusion, Curley’s wife not being assigned a name was not just a mere oversight at the hands of John Steinbeck. She was an instrument used to undermine the position of women in society. Steinbeck purposefully left out her name in order to enhance his writing, and address issues during the time period in which he lived. Curley’s wife was used to depict women as the ones who threatened the happiness and well-being of men. Denying Curley’s wife a name was an integral part in the writing of Of Mice and Men. (c) Raquel Bracey, December 2012

Monday, September 16, 2019

Producing Isoamyl Acetate from Isoamy

This was then weighed and computed for the percent lied. The theoretical yield and the weighed value must have close values in order for this experiment to be successful. Keywords: fruit flavors, banana flavor, call stratification, reflux, extraction, washing, drying, drying agents Introduction Esters are a group of organic compounds that give out distinct odors. Examples of esters are fruit flavors such as the product of this experiment. Somali acetate or banana flavor is an ester which resulted from an call stratification between Somali alcohol and Acetic anhydride.Call stratification is a reaction between acid anhydride and call chlorides. Through this experiment, the students that performed It would have learned about reflux, extraction, washing and drying. The reflux technique is the boiling of the reagents while cooling the vapor escaping from it and having it returned in the flask to prevent evaporation. This guarantees that the temperature in the flask is constant. Extraction , washing and drying the resulting chemicals after the reflux technique separates the desired product, in this experiment It was the Somali acetate, from the excess products.Drying agents are used twice In this experiment, first to remove the water where the undesired reduces was washed Into and the last to remove the excess. The objectives of this experiment is as follows: To synthesize Somali acetate from Somali alcohol and Acetic anhydride To calculate percent yield of Somali acetate To learn the reflux technique To learn the technique of extraction, washing and drying Methodology First, the reagents were prepared and properly labeled. 5 drops of concentrated HOSTS was added into the acetic anhydride while in an ice bath.While still in the ice bath, Somali alcohol was slowly added into the acetic anhydride. The reaction was extremely exothermic which explains the use of an ice bath. See Figure 1) The reagents were then transferred into a reaction flask. Three boiling chips were a dded in order for the chemicals to boil easily. It was then refluxed for 30 minutes making sure that the temperature remains constant at ICC. (See Figure 2) It is necessary to keep the temperature constant in order to avoid explosions. Figure 2.Reflux Technique It was then poured into a beaker with crushed ice and allowed to melt. After melting, it was transferred into a separating funnel. 15 ml saturated Enhance was added into the solution. This was necessary in order for the organic components to react with it ND become water-soluble. The funnel was then swirled until two layers have separated. (See Figure 3) Figure 3. Swirling the Separating Funnel The lower layer was discarded and 15 ml of saturated NCAA was added. NCAA was a drying agent for the removal of water.