Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Areas of learning and development Essay

1.1 Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent There are seven areas of learning and development set out by the EYFS, each are important and interconnects there are three prime and four specific areas. The prime are the main area of development from birth to 2 years and important for firing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm and helping them to form relationships. The prime areas are: Personal, Social and emotional development Physical development Communication and language The four specific areas compliments and supports the prime areas from 2-5 years, but the prime are the foundation for successful learning. The specific areas are: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design The EYFS learning and development (Page226 in children and young people is workforce). Educational programme must involve activities and experiences for children in the following aspects: Aspects of personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others; forming positive relationship and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviours in groups; and to have confidence in their abilities. Aspects of physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination control, and movement. Children must also be help to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Aspects of communication and language development involves giving children Opportunities to experience a rich language environment, to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. Aspects of literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials. Aspects of mathematics development involves helping children to solve problems and to thinking logically, use everyday language  to talk about size weight; recognise create and describe patterns; explore characteristics of objects and shapes and measures. Understanding the world development involves helping children to gain an understanding of the world around them ; knowing about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among facilities communities and tradition, recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. Expressive arts and design development involves increasing their interest in creativity, representing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories. The EYFS describes the seven areas of learning separately but it is important to recognise their interdependence. This means that good quality activities will cover more than one area of development and neglecting one area of development is likely to create difficulties later.(e.g) Personal, social and emotional development is like a treat throughout all area if this area is not well supported, children will find it hard to concentrate, play alongside others or make progress in other areas. 1.2 Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework. To be able to measure that each child has the access to a quality early years education regardless of where they live, circumstances or family background the EYFS designed a series of outcomes to document each area of learning. These are called the Early Learning Goals, this is targets for children to meet throughout their early years and at the end of the reception year. These goals are important as they form the building blocks for children’s later education. It is important that practitioners recognise that may of the Early Learning Goals are also associated with children’s development and so while it is reasonable to expect children to meet them at the end of the reception year, they are not meant to be used as outcomes in nurseries or pre-school. It is also worth nothing that some children will for a variety of reasons not meet all of the Early Learning Goals as they may have specific health or learning difficulties or because they are simply young than their peers. 1.3 Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded The purpose and aim of the EYFS is to help young children achieve the five every child matters outcomes. There are four themes that underpin all the guidance A unique child Positive relationship Enabling environments Learning and development This guidance support each child’s learning and development and help practitioners to support children’s learning development, by closely matching what they provide to child’s current needs. An on-going formative assessment is at the heart of effective early years practice. In my setting we constantly observe our key children as they act and interact in their play. We then plan activities through these observations and things learnt from parents about what the chid do at home. Using examples of the development columns â€Å"unique child† the observation is assess to see what the child can do and what the next step is to help their development pathway. This recorded through observation sheets (long-incident and planned) also weekly planning, summative assessment and monthly learning journal sheet given to parents to see what the child does at home. This cycle is continually throughout the child’s time in the nursery and makes up their learning journal that goes with them to reception. 2.1 Use different sources to plan work for an individual child or group While playing outside I notice that one of my key children had an interest in collecting cocus and putting them in the back of his car. 2.2 Engage effectively with children to encourage the child’s participation and involvement in planning their own learning and development activities. The ways in which ‘a child engage with other, people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically –underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner. From observation 2.1 I planned an activity to help child A to learn how to count by doing a nature walle around the nursery to collect cocus. Counting them at the end to see how many each child collected. 2.3 Support the planning cycle for children learning and development. The EYFS is very clear, that observation must form the basis of planning for individual children there are two specific legal requirements in this respect which are found in welfare requirement relating to the organisation of the setting. Providers must carry out sensitive observational assessments in order to plan to meet the children’s individual needs. Providers must plan and provide experierices which are appropriate to each child’s stage of development as they progress towards the early learning goals. It is important that plans reflects children’s interests and needs. Observe and collect information. Record what you know and see about children’s strengths, interest, capabilities and cultures. Question Analyse- Interpret and make meaning of information collected and evidence documented. link evidence to learning development. Outcomes Plan, Act and Do Design learning experiences and learning environments. Discuss learning and next steps with children’s families and other professionals. The planning cycle is used to support assessments for learning which is designed to discover what children know and understood, based on what they make, write draw, say and do. 3.1 Explain how practitioners promote children’s learning within the relevant early years framework. The EYFS emphasise a personal approach to learning, this is because all children develop at their own rate and in different ways. In my setting we observe each child and make observations so that we can see patterns of the child’s interests as well as to see how they are developing. This allows us to analyse whether the child is within their age and stage of development. As such this enables us to plan appropriately for the child, seeing whether they are within the developmental pathway. This allows us to work in partnership with parents giving them the opportunity to be apart of weekly planning, assessments and giving their input. 4.2 Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained shared thinking. The importance of engaging with children is that it  enhances the child’s learning encounter encouraging, helping them to learn new words extended conversations and helps children to extended conversation to develop their own ideas, while chatting to them to promote their development. Sustained share thinking helps children to reach conclusions and explore concepts at a deeper level. During this period, children are also processing information more effectively and often make connections with things that they have already learnt. This â€Å"joining up† of ideas and concepts is extremely valuable. Children have to be extremely interested in an activity or something that has occurred to sustained shared thinking. We also have to be ready to follow up on things that children find fascinating or intergrading. Recognising the potential for sustained shared thinking is therefore essential.

Applications of seven habits by Steven Covey Essay

This classic best seller for management, organisations and personal development encapsulates Steven Covey’s research on 200 years of success literature since his doctoral program. It is perhaps the most influential book for managers and organizations to learn the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, as the title suggest. It begins with the concept that people perceive the world differently, and we form our own paradigm – how we view the world with our own unique â€Å"lens†. Covey explains that paradigms are the source of our attitudes and behaviours. Part of achieving insight involves making a â€Å"paradigm shift† which causes us to perceive things differently. Our paradigms will affect how we interact with others, which in turn will affect how they interact with us. Covey argues that any effective self-help program must begin with an â€Å"inside-out† approach, rather than looking at our problems as â€Å"being out there† (an inside-ou t approach). We must start by examining our own character, paradigms, and motives. Hence, character and principles are keys to success, effectiveness, and happiness in life. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People points out: â€Å"Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value.† The seven habits divided into two main groups: private victory (independence) and public victory (interdependence). Habits of Independence: Habit 1: Be Proactive We must use our resourcefulness to work toward our personal goals. Everyone has both a circle of influence and a circle of concern. Worrying endlessly about things outside of our circle of influence isn’t particularly productive. Working within our circle of influence is productive. Further, the more effective we become, the more our circle of influence will expand. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind What do we want people to say about us at our funerals? How will we be remembered? To succeed, Cov ey suggests visualization. Every successful outcome is created twice; first one plan and second on implementation. Habit 3: Put First Things First The key to putting first things first is to understand that we have many things we can do which will have a significant, positive impact on our lives. Covey stresses that we must balance Production (P) with Productive Capability (PC). We must keep the golden eggs, but also maintain goose. Prioritization is the essence of time management. Interdependence The remaining habits in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are habits of interdependence. Rather than being dependent upon other people, or trying to be totally independent, we learn how to be more effective by effectively working with others. Habit 4: Think Win/Win Thinking Win/Win means seeking mutual benefit in our human interactions. To be successful in the long run, we should learn to consider other’s win factors besides our own. Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Most people talk more than they listen. Until we listen actively and seek to understand others, we would not be understood. Active listening is about sensing the three modes of communications, i.e. visual, vocal and verbal. Habit 6: Synergize It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Combining the strengths of each individual yields multiple outcome beyond expectations, simply ‘1+1>2’. Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Just as a machine will wear out quickly if not properly maintained, the same is true for our own personal productivity. We must take care of ourselves. The four dimensions are physical, mental, social/emotional and spiritual renewals. To me, the first concept on paradigm is profound. I agree that when we change our perspectives, our attitudes and behaviours will change. To achieve enrichment in life, we need to understand our own paradigm, crystalize and anchor our principles. I have adopted these principles and find peace in self-awareness, social relationship and professional communications. Covey has successfully synthesised the successful habits of leaders, crystallised and organized them into two progressive segments. In line with child development from birth through death, one indeed grows from dependence to independence in early childhoo d to adolescence. We then mature to adults, where we progress from independence to interdependence. The seven habits are indeed proven to be critical for any individual to attain private and public victories. Hence it is no surprise that whenever I business leaders within my network on which are some books they would read to enrich their management knowledge, this book is voted as the most influential book that changed their lives. I have personally adopted these habits in my personal and professional communications and testify their effectiveness. I have sharpened my strengths in strategic thinking and leadership by adopting the habits of ‘Begin with the end in mind’ and ‘Synergize’. For instance at the Polytechnic, I mooted the idea of Young GEMS(Go-the-Extra-Miles-for-Service) camp for upper secondary school students to build our prospects for future enrolment. Upon approval from management for the Young GEMS camp, I formed a program team and successfully lead it to implement the camp through skilful synergy of the individual’s competence. This book has provided comprehensive coverage on the why and how of each habit. The only gap I see is that the context are US-based. It would be better if there is an Asian version with case studies of local enterprises and leaders, for the benefit of Asian readers. For instance, unlike Americans, Asians are generally weak in questioning skills to ‘seek to understand’ others. It would be helpful if there are some recommended strategies in questioning to gain insights of other’s perspectives. Also, Asians tends to individual and less apt to working in teams, particularly in appreciating individual strengths, expressing diversified opinions openly. Asian case studies on ‘Win-win’ and ‘Synergize’ would certainly be helpful. There is no doubt that all seven habits are pivotal in today’s managers and organisations. I personally have benefited as an account manager in Hewlett-Packard Singapore Sales when I was sponsored to attend the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People one-week course. It has significantly increased my self-awareness, strategic thinking skills, time-management skills and revolutionizes my perspectives in life. I can testify that the Habits are practical prescriptions for building trustworthy and lasting relationships, hence empowering managers to be effective leaders who could develop the most conducive working environment that attracts and retains like-minded talents for the good of society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Operative Report on Russell Jones

OPERATIVE REPORT Jones, Russell 8004320 Kurt Brockton, MD May 17, 2013 SURGEON: Kurt Brockton, MD PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS 1. Primary hyperparathyroidism. 2. History of lung cancer. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS 1. Primary hyperparathyroidism. 2. History of lung cancer. PROCEDURE Subtotal parathyroid resection. ANESTHESIA General. PROCEDURE IN DETAIL With the patient in the supine position after adequate prepping and draping of the neck, a standard collar incision was made. Hemostasis was obtained with a cautery. The platysma muscle was elevated from the underlying strap muscles to the thyroid notch superiorly and the sternal notch inferiorly.Strap muscles were dissected free of the midline. The right thyroid lobe was exposed. The middle thyroid vein was divided between three 0 silk ties. The gland was reflected anteromedially. Upon reflection of the gland there appeared to be an enlarged parathyroid gland attached to the lateral aspect of the lower pole. The gland was reflected more anterio rly, and the right upper gland was found posterior to the middle portion of the gland. The left thyroid gland was exposed, and the middle thyroid vein was divided between three 0 silk ties. The gland was reflected anteromedially.A right lower gland was found attached to or adjacent to the lateral aspect of the lower pole corresponding to the position of the lower gland on the right side. The gland was reflected more anteromedially, and the right upper gland was found on the posterior side of the midportion of the thyroid gland but not as medial as the one on the right side. Biopsies were taken of the left upper, left lower, and right upper glands. The right lower gland was removed in toto. The path report revealed the right lower gland to be an adenoma, and the remainder of the glands appeared normal.Only a small amount of parathyroid tissue was seen in the left upper gland, but the cut surface appeared to be parathyroid and bled as it would do. Hemostasis was obtained with a cauter y where necessary. Some Surgicel was placed over the cut end of the left upper gland. Strap muscles were then closed with 3-0 Vicryl, the OPERATIVE REPORT Patient Name: Jones, Russell Hospital No. : 8004320 May 17, 2013 Page 2 subcutaneous and platysma with 3-0 Vicryl, and the skin with skin staples. A dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in stable condition. Kurt Brockton, MD

Monday, July 29, 2019

Investigation and Apprehension of Offenders Research Paper

Investigation and Apprehension of Offenders - Research Paper Example Furthermore, it discusses the effectiveness of sting operations by considering the factors, which indicate that a case is resolved. Sting Operations use at the BPD The BPD adopts sting operations upon reviewing the findings proposed by Dr. Langworthy because of the significance of the tactic in addressing criminal dealings in the area. The application of sting operations necessitates the department to establish an implementation policy (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2007). Furthermore, the BPD needs to appraise and determine diverse practices basing on the objectives and logistics for completing such operations. The department potential goals of employing sting operations entail determining its usefulness in reducing crime levels. The department also focuses on approximating the potential number of offenders who can be arrested using the tactic (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2007). Finally, applying this tactic allows the department to decide on public participation opportunities in assisting the force in dealing with unlawful activities. The development of an operation implementation formula requires the department to determine the necessary inputs that facilitate its effectiveness. These inputs would include finances that the department uses in advancing sting operations. The tactic requires massive budgeting to cater for the property displayed on storefronts and finances used for purchasing other entrapment items (Lynch & Lynch, 2005). The department also requires investigative personnel as input into the operations. These will include trained officers that possess the acumen to sting criminals. Other inputs also include apparatus and buildings that undercover officers utilize in executing their investigative duties. These inputs are significant because they make it simple to acquire credible evidence that makes prosecution easier (Lynch & Lynch, 2005). This is because aspects of such proofs contain factors that indicate a case is solved by offering prima fa cie substantiation. The activities undertaken during sting operations also form a crucial component of the policy. These activities would entail well-designed operations such as installing items for ensnaring wrongdoers. The activities also include personnel working as salespersons or buyers of certain property (Lynch & Lynch, 2005). The personnel also execute patrolling initiatives for purposes of finding wrongdoers undertaking outlawed activities. Undertaking the activities take place through a combination of inputs that consequently leads to attaining outcomes. Sting operations also generate outputs that indicate the results of utilizing inputs in completing certain activities. Investigators outputs may entail the escalated arrests that take place during operations (Lynch & Lynch, 2005). Furthermore, taking away criminals property, stolen goods, and commercial licenses also forms outputs. The property that investigators obtain from wrongdoers is proofs that such people undertake unlawful activities. It is paramount to insinuate that such property finds use during prosecution and contains aspects that connote a case is solved. Other outputs also include videos recorded

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Its the Aggregate Demand, Stupid by Bruce Bartlett Assignment - 1

Its the Aggregate Demand, Stupid by Bruce Bartlett - Assignment Example Moreover, the author articulated that the aggregate demand is the major element with respect to the current economic condition that can create jobs and stimulate economic growth of the US. Throughout the article, Bartlett has critically explored the issue concerning the economic growth and downfall of the current labour market of the US. According to the article, it has been perceived that the lack of focus on aggregate demand along with insufficient investment and immaterialized consumption expenditure have to lead to a major downfall of the economy. The current economic policies of the nation are determined to be insufficient to address the needs of creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. However, the only effective measure to attain this goal is perceived to be related to increasing aggregate demand. According to the theoretical context, it is often attributed that the lower growth in the annual consumer spending substantially creates major vulnerabilities in the inflation rates that causes major debacles in the economic growth (Bartlett, â€Å"It’s the Aggregate Demand, Stupid†). In relation to the current policy measures of the Federal Government, the article reveals that Administration is centrally focused on maintaining average growth rather to substantially increase the level of annual consumer spending in the US. However, the mechanism is quite difficult due to the emerging level of unemployment within the states. Therefore, the existing administration is significantly inviting major risk for the nation due to its policy directed towards increasing savings while reducing the consumptions of goods and services by household, business and government. Although the policy of reducing aggregate demand promotes increasing household savings and maximizing the wealth, in long run, the process inadvertently calls for a major financial debacle in the nation.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Marketing Managers Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Marketing Managers - Essay Example While obeying law and economic interest, a social responsible business is involved in social activities that improve society. It does not appear that the responsibilities of a corporation to society, their employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities or shareholders in which they service are in practice According to Robbins, a social responsible business pursues long goals that are good for society and cause no harm. Marketing managers, as moral agents, are required to make practical and as well as ethical decisions. In doing so, managers have to do what is right because it is their responsibility. Why do marketing managers need to ensure that their companies operate visible Corporate Social Responsibility programs (CSR) CSR should be of high priority. This will give managers the opportunity to display their value throughout the company. Public opinion supports corporations pursuing economic and social goals. Social responsible companies tend to have secured long run of profits. Social responsible activities are simply the right thing to do. Seeking social goals create an attractive public image for businesses. Involvement in social programs helps to solve social problems. Addressing social problems before they become serious and costly will definitely benefit the society as a whole. A socially responsible corporation can normally expect minimum government regulations. Regarding stockholder interests, being social responsible will increase a corporation's stock prices in the long run. And many successful businesses have huge profits that will support charitable projects that n eed funding (Robbins, 2005, Page102). Elfren Sicangco Cruz states that there many definitions of corporate social responsibility. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, CSR is a continuing commitment by business to behave ethically while contributing to economic development; improving the quality of life for workers and their families; the local community and society at large. Mallen Baker suggests that corporate management business processes are to make an overall positive impact on society. The International Organization of Employers says CSR is a voluntary positive initiative by businesses that look beyond legal aspects in economic, social, and environmental areas. Michael Hopkins, in A Plantary Bargain: CSR Comes of Age, goes on to say that corporate social responsibility is the treatment of stakeholders both in and outside the corporation. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is fundamental to a long term, comprehensive approach to business success. CSR has become one of the benchmarks of an organization's overall success. Corporations as well as their marketing managers need to ensure that every aspect of their performance reflect the values, interests and expectations of society. Why Social responsible activities affect a company's economic performance. There are findings from research studies that can fully explain the importance of corporate social responsibility programs. In such studies, there appears to be little evidence that a company's social activities harm long term economic performance. Companies are reporting that there is positive relationship between social responsibility and economic performance. Marketing managers should, however, certainly consider social goals as they plan, organize, lead and control their company's operations. Corporation can implement CSR at many levels.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Elements of a business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Elements of a business plan - Essay Example Elements of a business plan Starting a business enterprise is a process that requires concerted efforts in order for the initiative to be a success. As such, this report seeks to critically evaluate the reasons why it is important for a new start up business to create a comprehensive business plan. Basically, a business plan is an outline of a business idea which seeks to justify the reason behind starting that particular business. Internally, the business plan helps to shape direction upon which the organisation will operate and externally, it helps in linking with the stakeholders. In order to establish the significance of a comprehensive business plan in a start up business, it is imperative to begin by explaining the meaning of planning which is regarded as the key term in this discussion in order to gain a full understanding of the whole concept. â€Å"Planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy and developing plans to coordinate activities†. In the same vein, Bates et al (2006) concur with this idea when they state that planning which is concerned with generation of ideas is regarded as the starting point of establishing a business as well as managing it. In actual fact, before starting a business, one needs to determine in advance the goals to be achieved as well as to visualise likely result of the objectives for the business enterprise. Therefore, it can be safely said that planning is a process whereby objectives are decided upon and developing the plans to reach them as well as to coordinate other activities. Planning can be said to be very important in a business venture because it gives people in a particular organisation an idea of the direction in which business will be going. 2. Strategic objectives A comprehensive business plan is very important in every business given that it outlines the objectives of that particular business venture. Essentially, every business is in existence because of a purpose. In most cases, the major aim of business is to generate profits through revenue that is generated from its operations (Armstrong & Kotler, 2004). Basically, the objectives of the business venture are clearly stated in its mission statement and are emphasised in the vision of the organisation. The mission of the organisation clearly outlines the purpose of a particular business and this is where objectives are also stated. The vision of any business enterprise is to detail the plans as well as the measures that can be taken in order to achieve the set goals. This may not be possible without a comprehensive bu siness plan which details the measures as well as the steps that can be taken towards attainment of the set goals. 3. Market analysis Planning is very important because it gives the people in the organisation an idea of the direction in which the business is going (Bates, 2006). However, there are likely problems to be encountered during the operations of the business enterprise given that it operates in an environment that is characterised by various factors. As such, a comprehensive business plans details a critical analysis of the environment in which the organisation is operating. In this case, a SWOT analysis is very important since constitutes the comprehensive plan of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Read the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Read the instruction - Essay Example SYPTOMS: The symptoms of this degeneration are sudden weakness on unilateral side of face that causes drooping, drooling, eye problems such as watery eyes or dry eyes, inability to taste, pain behind ear and numbness on affected side of face. DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis of this condition is done on the basis of history and examination. The patient is asked question regarding the development of their symptoms. The patient’s facial nerve is also examined. Blood tests, MRI and CT scan can also be carried out. TREATMENT: The treatment of Bell’s Palsy is following. Some patients recover from this condition without using medications. These patients are those who can exercise their facial muscles. Treatment from corticosteroids such as prednisone helps in facial movement. Corticosteroids work at their best if their administration is started within 3 days of the appearance of symptoms. At times antivirals such as acyclovir can also be added to the drug regime (Current,

Analysis of The Allegory of the Cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of The Allegory of the Cave - Essay Example Glube’s analysis will be considered. The cave is incredibly dark since there is no adequate light inside it, making difficult, even for the inhabitants to see objects. Inside the cave, there are chained people on their feet and necks making it difficult to move. Equally, there is another world just out of the cave, which is separated by a wall. Numerous people walk on this wall causing reflection of the shadows into the cave, which the prisoners perceive as real. However, in actual sense, this is just an illusion. This scenario contrasts sharply with the outer world, which is characterized by light and visibility of everything (Grube, 112). This makes a prisoner released from the cave to dazzle in the light, however as he stays longer, he is acclimatized. He expresses sympathy to the prisoners in the darkness. He sees it better for one to be a prisoner in the other outer world. As a point of departure, the Allegory of the cave represents a dialogue between the protagonist Socrates and Glaucon, the interlocutor. The people in the cave are seen bound by chains and believing that the reality lies in the shadows of the artifacts. It is unbelievable how these people manage a life confined in darkness, because the fire represented is behind them. This is a metaphorical application, which gives a picture of their state while in the cave. Their senses are bound and they are confined to their sense of ignorance, which makes Socrates to wonder how these people will respond if they were â€Å"released from their bondage and cured of their ignorance† (Grube 187). Socrates believes that there is a possibility that, the prisoners will be confused to differentiate between the real artifact and its shadow. Accordingly, Grube notes that the primary intention of education as articulated by Plato is not to impart knowledge but to change the behavior and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MHC Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MHC Case Study - Research Paper Example 29). 2. Identify the type of structure MHC currently uses in its primary businesses. Describe the fit between the structure and the competitive strategy. Describe any structural adjustments MHC should make to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy Based on the case study it can be said that MHC follows a ‘tall organizational structure’ because it has several level of management and as a result the time taken to make a decision is much longer with more people getting involved in it. MHC organizational structure constitute of the CEO, VP, regional executive VP, corporate CEO, corporate VPs including HR and OD. MHC tall organizational structure fit its competitive strategy as it contains more number of management levels and the upper management is aware of the strategies and subsequently implements them to meets the goals of the company. However the current organizational structure tends to face severe problems like managers needs to wait for approval, time taken to make decisions, no knowledge of the employee’s skills and capability. Therefore MHC can alter its organizational structure and implement the flat organizational structure in order to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy. The management is facing HR issues with the current strategies implemented in the organization. Carrie Brown is unaware of the skills and ability of its employees and hence they are not been able to plot the right people in the right place. The employees were not provided with enough training and so with change in technology the current management KSAs do not know how to implemented cost cutting which will not diminish the service and mangers that are aware of the skills are scattered throughout the organizations. Thus the main issue with KSA is that the company does not have any accurate data about which of our people have the capabilities. The mission of MHC is to provide care to the indigent and less able members of the community but MHC has

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Education research paper on Oral Proficiency in the Foreign Language

Education on Oral Proficiency in the Foreign Language classroom - Research Paper Example Foreign-language teachers are as a result advised to promote classroom participation of students since through this they will be able to enhance their foreign language speeches. This paper in particular tries to find the appropriate ways that teachers can employ in order to promote foreign language oral proficiency in their classrooms. Research was carried out through interviews, surveys and classroom observations and various findings presented, from which conclusions were drawn. Table of contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Literature Review 5 The Importance of Oral Assessment 5 Motivating Students to Speak 6 Results/ Presentation 16 Interview Results/Findings 16 Survey Results/Findings 18 Classroom Observations 19 Discussion and Analysis 20 Pedagogical Applications 24 Recommendations 27 References 30 Appendices 33 Introduction Increasing global development and the need for expanded second language skills have led many educators to seek ways to ensure that students of foreign language s leave their classes with a level of language proficiency. Though tests of written language are frequently defined by state standards that are based on written assessments, spoken language proficiency and the use of oral assessments in language classes are receiving increasing attention. The current literature on this topic reflects varied views of educators and administrators, both in relation to foreign language instruction and as a reflection of efforts in this country to support second language instruction for those with limited English proficiency. The application and increasing emphasis on oral assessments in foreign language instruction in the United States has extended from the realization that spoken language proficiency is an imperative part of the application and utility of language learning. In correlation, educators have applied a range of strategies to improve oral language performance, including methods to motivate learners, improve classroom process, and improve ora l language skills. The purpose of this research is to learn and investigate how to prepare activities to engage students in speaking and how to assess speaking in class. Given that not all students will speak the target language outside of class the classroom is a crucial if not the only space for students to engage in the spoken language in their early learning experience. The purpose of this study is also to ultimately create an assessment system that would match effective teaching practices. The research questions guiding the study are: How can I incorporate oral assessment as a daily part of class? How much weight should I place on oral assessment? How can I provide a classroom environment that will motivate students to speak in class? What would appropriate tasks look like? How do other skills/factors support speaking? Literature Review The Importance of Oral Assessment Foreign language instructors have taken the lead from second language (L2) instructional models that place an emphasis on the acquisition of oral language skills and the application of assessments to determine a learner’s pragmatic skills, the skills that they can use in an authentic speaking environment (Ishihara, 2009). Language educators have recognized that pragmatic competence should be achieved through language experiences in the classroom, and instructors can benefit from making

Monday, July 22, 2019

Costco Wholesale Essay Example for Free

Costco Wholesale Essay 1. Executive Summary Costco Wholesale Corporation founded in 1983 by Jim Sinegal in Seatle Washington with a vision mission â€Å"to continually provide members with quality of goods and services at the lowest possible price control inventory.† Part of their strategy include direct buying relationship that ensures an efficient strong SC management, high standard staffing plans, high quality products at lower prices and assessable to members who are considered more loyal. Efforts are made to develop strategic options in line with these strategies while focusing on the supply chain parameters that span from order placement to receipt of goods at the warehouse and made available to customers in the warehouse shop floor using the most cost effective processes in order to ensure they support the mission of the company. By assessing Costco’s external opportunities and threats as well as the internal strengths and weaknesses (using SWOT Porter’s Five Forces analysis), one can infer they are doing well within their industry. More options were generated to increase sales and awareness of the retail warehouses. The report concludes with recommendations for Costco to sustain it’s market edge and advance by expanding into the European Asian markets more as their presence is still very weak in these regions as well as add other services goods to their already existing list. 2. Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation founded in 1983 within the retail industry is the largest warehouse club in the world based on sales volume. A major wholesale business offering three levels of membership and the largest wholesale club operator in the US with membership/warehouse locations spread across Asia, Europe, North South America with headquarters based in Washington, US. Their main competitors operating membership warehouses include Sam’s Club BJ’s wholesale club. Jim Sinegal, the founder defines the company vision as â€Å"giving the best to the customer at the best value possible†. Here best value (in quality of goods services offered) at low prices are the driving force. Costco backs up it’s products with a return policy within a time frame of average 90 days, a highly endearing attraction to it’s members. The business model focuses on low prices volume purchase in order to achieve profit at low margin with stores offering discounts on an average of 4,000 products out of which roughly a thousand are ‘treasure hunt’ referring to goods that are scarcely available for purchase always. Volume purchase from few vendors yielding further reduction in price and lowers cost in marketing. With low prices, quality goods in limited selection based on forecast lead to quick turnover in inventory. The high volume purchase and efficient network distribution yield efficiency in operations for Costco. With a stipulated membership fee, Costco warehouses are designed to help small to medium size businesses reduce purchasing costs as well as serving large families with the goods packaged in bulk ranging from alcoholic beverages, electronics, fresh food/produce, household office supplies, pharmaceuticals tires. Also available are special memberships with services like car home insurance, m ortgage and real estate services, and packages for travels. 3.Purpose and Main Areas Of the Research (Concepts Techniques) Analyzing the supply chain operations at Costco wholesales, in line with the business focus while limiting to it’s supply chain operations strategy for maintaining a competitive edge as it relates to SC operations (from sourcing to arrival on pallets and or display at their various warehouses racks), their challenges and options for improvement will be the focus of this report. The following issues will form questions that will give a frame for this report: †¢ What are the key issues facing Costco in line with (efficient) Supply Chain Operations? †¢ What would be options to compete with these issues?  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Which options best suits the business focus and would yield better growth financially? The sections thereafter will consider trying to answer the questions above by applying SWOT analysis (see appendix 1) and Porter’s five forces framework (see appendix 2). Areas needing improvement will be obvious from such, options that would generate better performance after localizing issues peculiar to Costco. These would ultimately lead to clear recommendations for Costco’s improvement. Due to inaccessibility of authentic and current data for successive years on sales, further analysis could not be carried out to compare Costco for accurate sales assessment in the last three years or compare with the other two leading club wholesalers (Sam’s BJs). Identifying, analyzing key parameters with Supply chain operations processes at Costco and suggest areas of possible improvement. Inventory Management: Since good are moved straight to the selling floor and inventory is not held by Costco but managed by vendors, inventory labor cost of handling is avoided. In their meat grocery section for instance, they focus on low-price high volume strategies hence, Costco carry very limited amounts of grocery perishables whereas Wal-Mart is known to have weakness in the area of perishables (Petrak, 2006) Partnership/Collaboration with suppliers: Costco has buying relationships with many producers of national brands and are supplied directly from suppliers routing to the warehouses of docking points that serve as distribution points. Partnership market is an attribute of Costco, for instance by partnering with American Express to create a Costco-AMEX credit card, discounts cash cards as offered to customers while Costco markets Amex cards, thereby helping them to acquire more customers. Distribution Strategies/Transportation: The redesign of product packages to fit into pallets and thereby maximize space has led to reduction of trucks used to transport goods. Cross-docking of goods by delivering directly to Costco stores while some are kept in the distribution centers saves a lot of time cost along the SC. Utilization of buzzers for truck drives at delivery points to indicate when trucks have been unloaded can save time as against the truck driver’s physical movement within the warehouse is a time saver. Their warehouses are not situated on prime locations hence cost is saved from unnecessary high property cost; again, they own over 80% of the warehouses. Green Logistics: Costco Kirkland signature has launched eco friendly cleaning products. It maximizes the use of solar power in it’s warehouses, it’s delivery trucks are better packaged to allow maximization of space so as to reduce fleets of transportation and hence environmental pollution. Energy is better conserved with timed lighting and construction of warehouses that can maximize skylight during the day. Food products are packaged in recyclable and more environmentally friendly materials. Customers are paid to recycle their old electronics at the green sight. Information Technology: This retailer prides itself in it’s connection of all warehouses to the headquarters in Washington. By using the EFIM which provides real time information, manages control systems and inventory management system. The ECR is used to achieve profitability, improvement in efficiency, logistics, procurement and overall cost control. Kumar (2008) records that approximately $6 billion in a year is lost in the USA by supermarkets due to out of stock products among 25 top retailers as a result of inefficiency in their logistics. Vertical Integration: Costco practices a partial vertical integration with it’s cross-dock distribution. By gaining control of either its inputs or its outputs or both in sourcing directly from suppliers they have more control over innovation delivery of those services. Cost is also reduced which is ultimately transferred to customers. Further optimization of operational performance through SC operations options that can sustain a competitive edge and improve customer satisfaction through service improvement and cost reduction. 4. Description Of The Separate Areas 4.1Description of The SC Operations Performance Improvement. The measurement of SC performance can be based on profit, customer service or sales maximization (Chow, 1994). While the traditional method majorly measured product costs, identification of costs related to customer service is key. Elimination of various extraneous costs like plastic shopping bags, fewer shop floor staff, limited product variety brands on shelf and also slowing down on capital expenditure like expansion, Costco has been able to focus on improving buying power for achieving greater output. Since inventory rates are quickly turned over, payments to suppliers is fast tracked hence they are able to benefit from discounted early payments. Cost is involved in sourcing products from suppliers, shipment to depots warehouses, distribution to warehouses storage in inventory. By considering the concept of avoidable cost (possibly considering packaging storage), efforts can be made to improve on SC performance by implementing better SC integration program. Partnering with more suppliers and or service providers for better flow of operations as well as building keener competition can enhance better efficiency leading to more profit in the long run. More side business services can be added at Costco like money order and cash transfers to attract more customers and make Costco a one stop store. Aside from email messages being sent to existing members on promotions, greater awareness can create a more organized means to lure more customers on the expanding array of products services such that new more revenue streams are attained. 4.2 Issues Affecting Supply Chain and Possible Solutions Analysis of SC at Costco using SWOT analysis (appendix 1) reveals Costco is doing really well. Growth opportunities exist for business by entering the European Asian markets as these have not been exploited. From present methods of operations, the high staff salary and low margins maintenance amongst other issues need to be looked into for future prospects. The aging and close exit of the CEO along with growing competition and other threats in intended foreign markets such as political and religious wars, foreign exchange bank issues are threats to consider. In dealing with these issues, it will be important to assess briefly lead time management, product handling, transportation, quality, inventory as well as possible process solutions. Where possible, promotions should be done to enhance more sales though with the low prices and already highlighted low margin high employee, this may eat into the profitability but if well planned can create more publicity for the company which can yield quick inventory turnover. Since low overhead tight operation is the practice, better savings can be passed on to customers in form of promotion or otherwise. Exploration of overseas market is still a strong force and will yield greater profit considering the existing reputation Costco has and understudying how business is executed in such regions. Development of more private labels on wider product range and increased focus on customer loyalty programs are worth considering as well. It is advisable the board of management put in place a business plan before the exit/retirement of the CEO. Porters Five Forces analysis (see appendix 2) could identify an overall attractive industry, with the following power and threat situation: The buyer power was determined to have a positive potential impact on Costco business as it portray that buyers have the requisite level of expendable incomes to provide effective demand for goods services. In a similar manner, low threat of new entrants and substitute products portray an attractive industry whereas moderate internal rivalry and supplier power have a positive impact on Costco operations as it kept the company alert and devoid of complacency. 4.3 Analyzing The Contribution Of SCOM to Competitive Business Performance To further highlight the role of SCOM in enhancing business performance and maintaining a competitive edge, a few activities like volume purchasing, efficient packaging distribution, supplier integration customer integration have contributed to give a close picture of Costco capabilities and business level performance with each activity having unique benefits and detriments. Again, constant review of SCM practices may further help management in Costco to further match demand with SC requirements like efficient, lean SC (Cook et al , 2011). Their Network design, JIT resource planning distribution, optimization of transport replenishment policies have impacted positively and should be subject to constant review for sustaining a competitive edge. 5. Conclusion Finally, it is believed that some useful contributions are being developed to improve supply chain and it’s operation in line with the objective of Costco in delivering quality at lowest cost to customers on time with the aim of sustaining a more competitive advantage. Some useful SC options have been suggested above which support these objectives. While the ultimate goal remains to sustainably increase market share by achieving more qualitative growth and at the same time expand on the earning base through exploitation of the European market and already existing markets, Mascarehas et al (2004) adds that â€Å"competitive advantage must be won again and again† in other words, giving the current ever changing business world we live in, customer tastes and priorities are changing hence the need for Costco to be better positioned in order to respond always to it’s members needs while expanding on new fronts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

External Factors Affect On Organisations | Case Study

External Factors Affect On Organisations | Case Study External factors have an immediate effect on an organizations planning. Marketing a product takes thorough planning. Managers organize ideas on where to market a product that provides benefits to other countries. Leading globalization can be difficult because other countries may not want to use a product they are unfamiliar with. Therefore, a thorough explanation of why a product would be beneficial in another country is very important (Moon, 2010). The cell phone for instance has brought forth much controversy. Rates, service areas for Internet, communication, contractual agreements, and a wide range of other issues have been broad topics for subscribers of cell phones. To control globalization, cell phone providers must have management teams that extend enough information about products to other countries to determine if the product is marketable around the globe (Moon, 2010). Information is organized through technology; via Internet so customers are better informed regarding price, and other vital information before purchasing. Innovative technology has brought forth social networking sites. Companies such as Google have created blog forums where customers can share thoughts about a product hence, making others aware before purchasing. 1.2.the needs and Expectations of stakeholders in orchid The board of Piramal Healthcare has approved the spin-off of the New Chemical Entity (NCE) from Piramal Life Sciences, reports CNBC-TV18. The unit will then be merged with parent. According to the company filing with BSE, shareholders will be issued one fully paid up equity share of Rs 2 of parent Piramal Healthcare for every four shares of Rs 10 held of Piramal Life Sciences. Investment in NCE research calls for sharper research focus, longer time horizon and higher risk appetite, said a press release. CNBC-TV18 had earlier reported about how Piramal Health is more poised to take the risks arising from the drug discovery business than Piramal Life Sciences. This demerger is expected to be completed in six months, Ajay Piramal was quoted as saying. Piramal hopes, ultimately, to re-absorb Piramal Life Sciences back into the company. According to CNBC-TV18, long-term strategies of the company include hiking capacity in active pharmaceutical ingredients segment and formulations business. 1.3. major changes taking place in the external environment it affects stretegy This process is most applicable to strategic management at the business unit level of the organization. For large corporations, strategy at the corporate level is more concerned with managing a portfolio of businesses. For example, corporate level strategy involves decisions about which business units to grow, resource allocation among the business units, taking advantage of synergies among the business units, and mergers and acquisitions. In the process outlined here, company or firm will be used to denote a single-business firm or a single business unit of a diversified firm. Once the firm has specified its objectives, it begins with its current situation to devise a strategic plan to reach those objectives. Changes in the external environment often present new opportunities and new ways to reach the objectives. An environmental scan is performed to identify the available opportunities. The firm also must know its own capabilities and limitations in order to select the opportunities that it can pursue with a higher probability of success. The situation analysis therefore involves an analysis of both the external and internal environment. The external environment has two aspects: the macro-environment that affects all firms and a micro-environment that affects only the firms in a particular industry. The macro-environmental analysis includes political, economic, social, and technological factors and sometimes is referred to as a PEST analysis. 2.1. Appropriate Tools to analyse Current business Plan What next? This is the question on the minds of the shareholders. We have drawn up a growth blueprint for the company, segregated into short and medium-term business drivers focusing on ramping up of the existing business verticals, creating front-end marketing organisations and entering new high-growth product segments. In the short term, we have identified key areas which will drive business growth for your company. We will cater to the API needs of Hospira and other global innovators in addition to our regular API and formulation sales in the emerging markets. We will strengthen our geographical presence in key regulated markets like the US, Europe and Japan. Currently, we are marketing around 10 products in the oral cephalosporins segment and 5 products in the NPNC (Non-penicillin, Non-cephalosporin) segment. Your company will further strengthen its product basket for catering to these markets. Our focus on acquiring front-end marketing companies possessing infrastructure, people, product registrations and approvals will augur well in the medium term. Our product pipeline in the regulated markets will be filled with our own molecules, ANDAs and in-licensed products. This will help us strengthen our product basket and maximise and internalise value which was earlier shared with our marketing partners. 2.2.Orchid Chemicals in its current market Since inception, your company established a strong foothold in niche therapeutic segments which are relatively uncluttered due to the inherent technical complexity. In doing so, your company grew in size and is now a global name in its operating domains. In recent times, your companys performance in the global and domestic markets could not translate into robust growth for the company and superior shareholder value creation. This was primarily owing to the sizeable debt burden which weighed heavy on your companys profitability. With the debt levels coming down and with a strong growth strategy in place, this is set to change going forward. My fellow shareholders may have a number of apprehensions about the future of the company 2.3.competitive strength and weakness e expect strong year-on-year growth over the next three years by focusing on the non-penicillin, non-cephalosporin (NPNC) segment where we possess a strong basket of over 73 products spanning diverse therapeutic areas. We possess marketing alliances in the US and Europe with prominent players such as Actavis, North Star and Alvogen for 31 NPNC products. We also expect to capitalise on Para IV opportunities; our 8 Para IV FTF filings provide a revenue potential of about US$ 80 Mn. A favourable outcome in any patent challenge litigation could result in our being awarded the 180-day exclusivity. 3.1. strategic options What next? This is the question on the minds of the shareholders. We have drawn up a growth blueprint for the company, segregated into short and medium-term business drivers focusing on ramping up of the existing business verticals, creating front-end marketing organisations and entering new high-growth product segments. In the short term, we have identified key areas which will drive business growth for your company. We will cater to the API needs of Hospira and other global innovators in addition to our regular API and formulation sales in the emerging markets. We will strengthen our geographical presence in key regulated markets like the US, Europe and Japan. Currently, we are marketing around 10 products in the oral cephalosporins segment and 5 products in the NPNC (Non-penicillin, Non-cephalosporin) segment. Your company will further strengthen its product basket for catering to these markets. 3.2. comparative understanding of an activity The performance of your company in the first quarter of the current financial year reflects the start of a robust growth journey. Going forward, your company is well poised to ramp up its API and formulations business based on specific product-market contracts and regulatory filings which will help spread the growth canvas wider. We entered into an out-licensing and distribution agreement with the US-based pharma major Alvogen for marketing 8 oral non-antibiotic generic formulations in the US market. These products cater to the high-growth therapeutic segments of CNS and osteoporosis, among others and have a cumulative addressable market size estimated at USD 8 billion. Your company also recently acquired Karalex Pharma, LLC, a US-based generic marketing and sales services company through an all-cash deal for creating a front-end presence in the US market to deliver generic products to the US customers directly. Karalex Pharma is a leading provider of generic pharmaceuticals, focused exclusively on the US healthcare market. 3.4. future organizational strategy Our focus on acquiring front-end marketing companies possessing infrastructure, people, product registrations and approvals will augur well in the medium term. Our product pipeline in the regulated markets will be filled with our own molecules, ANDAs and in-licensed products. This will help us strengthen our product basket and maximise and internalise value which was earlier shared with our marketing partners. 4.1. participation from all stake holders I take the opportunity to thank the Central and State governments, financial institutions, public and private sector banks, government agencies and non-government institutions for extending their support in your companys growth and development. 4.2. potential options for strategy plan I thank your companys valued business stakeholders namely vendors, customers, strategic alliance partners and business associates for their exceptional support during difficult times, in accomplishing our business plans. Most importantly, I acknowledge the critical role played by the employees whose contribution to your companys business growth has been paramount. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all the shareholders for their unstinted support in helping your company enhance its technological and business strengths and remain on the growth path. 4.3.strtegy plan includes resorce implication: n the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) segment, your company increased its cumulative US DMF filing count to 82. The break-up of the total filings is: 30 in the cephalosporin Segment, 39 in NPNC segment, 2 in the betalactam segment and 11 in the carbapenems segment. The cumulative filings of CoS (Certificate of Suitability) for the European market stood at 20 which includes 13 in cephalosporin segment, 6 in the NPNC segment and 1 in the betalactam segment. With a robust product development pipeline, your Companys filing and approval count is poised to increase in the coming months and quarters. 5.1. organizational Values: Most organisations are mostly driven by strategies. We are also driven by values. Corporate Social Responsibility Respect for the Individual Excellence Innovation Value for Stakeholders 5.2 vission and mission statements: Vision Enriching Lives through Innovation in Healthcare Mission Discovery to Delivery Orchid is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company with established research, manufacturing and marketing capabilities across multi-therapeutic domains. We successfully leverage our penchant for science and technology to create niche products and manufacturing platforms leading to attractive growth. 5.3. Future Management Objrctive: Innovation drives growth. Sensitive to market needs and committed to innovation, here at Orchid we focus on niche product manufacturing platforms, combining cutting-edge technology and the best minds in the business. Valuing People We value individuality and creativity. Our unique People and Process Paradigm helps achieve the twin objective emphasis on regulatory and compliance on one hand, while fostering innovation and creativity on the other. Peak Performance We seek to build a sustainable organisational eco-system where one is constantly motivated to attain new heights and empowered to discover new avenues for growth. Quality Quality has always been a strong part of Orchids proposition. Our quality initiative covers all aspects including product quality, operational quality, environmental quality and finally a good quality of life for our people. Harmony with Society We seek to balance environmental impact and economic interest in all our business activities. Committed to the development of the society, culture and economy, we dutifully observe laws; demonstrate high ethical standards and endeavour to preserve the environment. 5.4. Evaluating Stretegy Plan Government: It has the mechanics to receive and document the needs of society. It also has the legislative and administrative power to take forward development programs. Industry: It has the strength of technology and managerial skills required to identify solutions and execute projects in a time-bound manner. NGOs and other Institutions: They penetrate deep into the community to propagate ideas and act as a vibrant feedback mechanism. We have always believed that enhancing the social well-being of individuals would add a lot more meaning to our overall business existence. Caring for the people and the community has therefore been an important facet of our business philosophy. We are happy that we have influenced the lives of several people in the vicinity of our facilitates through the several initiatives and programmes undertaken by the Trust. 6.1. Schedule for implementing stretgic planning Our oral non-cephalosporin formulations facility specialises in the manufacturing of nutraceutical products. The facility produces a range of dietary supplements for the advanced markets. Many other high-value products like anti-diabetics, cardio vascular drugs (CVS), anti-depressants and anti-epileptics are manufactured in this facility to cater to the emerging markets. 6.2. To gain commitment from stake holders We have a long tradition of successful collaborations. Our approach to partnerships has been path-breaking and successful in the Indian pharmaceutical industry in terms of product and market coverage and leveraging each others partnership strengths. They are an essential and integral part of our research and business strategy. Every day, we commit ourselves to aligning our capabilities with business opportunities and everything we do is based on being easy to work with to ensure mutual success. We continuously engage in new projects to aid technology development, development of new molecules, chemical process enhancement and innovative drug delivery systems development 6.3.monitoring the evaluation system for the implementation of a strategy plan rchid has emerged as a full-fledged pharmaceutical corporation with end-to-end connectivity from discovery to delivery. Each alliance we build is based on a shared vision with well-defined goals and objectives. We have the ability to leverage and represent our entire portfolio of products and services based on their core competencies, partner great models, build and sustain operations. By pooling the talents of our science and business teams, we have engaged in numerous collaborations with a range of companies and research institutions. We look to build upon our existing strengths as well as to create new areas of expertise. Lab Report: Heat Capacity Ratio For Gases Lab Report: Heat Capacity Ratio For Gases Jekathjenani Ratnakumaran Introduction: Heat capacity of gases is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of one mole of the gas through one degree Celsius at constant pressure or volume. Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp), the volume will increase and heat capacity at constant volume (CV), the pressure will increase. The main physical properties of gases are compressed in the state, expand themselves to fill the entire containers, and thus obeys the second law of thermodynamics. It occupies more space, compare to liquids and solids. Gases has no fixed shape. The physical state of the gases can be defined by, PV = nRT P- pressure of the gas, V- Volume of the gas, T- Temperature of the gas, n- number of moles of the substance present on the gas and R- Gas constant. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the heat capacity ratio, ÃŽ ³ = Cp/CV for giving gases such as argon, oxygen, nitrogen and nitrous oxide using adiabatic expansion. This experiment is mainly based on measuring the pressure of the gases. Pressure can be measured by the force applied by the collision of the molecules or atoms with the surface or the walls of the tube. Pressure is measured in psi (Pounds per Square Inch) unit using manometer (P.Atkins et al, 2008). At room temperature, nitrogen is a colorless diatomic molecule of gas. It occupied 78.09% of earths atmosphere. Nitrogen occurs in all living organisms and about 3% of nitrogen are available in human body. Similarly, oxygen is a colorless, diatomic molecules and occupied about 20.95% earths atmosphere. Its a highly reactive organic element and also it plays an important role in the respiration mechanism. Argon is another important gas, also called as inert gas as it is stable. It occupied about 0.93% of earths atmosphere and its colorless, nontoxic element. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, nonflammable gas and also known as laughing gas. It also takes place in the earths atmosphere as it is produced by the bacteria in the soil and ocean. Adiabatic expansion is the process which takes place with no transfer of heat between the system and surroundings. The ratio, ÃŽ ³ will be compared with the theoretical value. Using the adiabatic expansion, three states of gas such as before the expansion (P1), immediately after expansion (P2) and after returning to room temperature (P3) can be observed. Based on these values, the heat capacity ratio can be determined. The ratio of heat capacity can be calculated using the following formula, ÃŽ ³ ratio of heat capacity Cp- heat capacity at constant pressure Cv- heat capacity at constant volume Methods: This experiment was conducted by following the procedure given in the laboratory manual by the department of chemistry, Trent University. Related questions Answers: Ideal gas law, PV = nRT As the density, Ï  = m/V, the density can be calculated using the above equation, Ï  = PM / RT P = Pressure; M = Molar mass; R = gas constant; T = Temperature For Nitrogen, P = 14.476 psi = 1.018 kg/cm2 T = 22 0C = 295 K M = 0.028 Kg /mol R = 8.314 Jm3/Kmol = 84.784 x 10-6 m3 kg/cm2.K-1mol-1 Using the above calculation method, density of remaining gases was calculated. For oxygen, Ï  = 1.301 Kgm-3 For argon, Ï  = 1.595 Kgm-3 For nitrous oxide, Ï  = 1.790Kgm-3 PV = nRT P = 14.550 psi = 0.9900 atm V = 30 L R = 0.08206 Latm/Kmol T = 295K n = 1.227 mol Molecules = n x 6.022 x1023 = 7.389 x 1023 molecules the carboy holds under prevailing laboratory conditions. For nitrogen, Collision frequency of molecules of nitrogen can be calculated using the following formula, N = 6.022 x 1023/ mol A = 0.60 m2 P = 0.985 atm = 99808.5066 pa R = 8.314 J/K mol = 8.314 Kg m2 /s2 K mol M = 28 g / mol = 0.028 Kg/mol T = 295 K Z = 1.736 x 1027 s-1 Results: Table 1 represents the observations and reading of pressure obtained for the Argon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Nitrous Oxide. The unit of pressure is recorded in psi. Figure 1 represents the heat capacity ratio of the given gases: nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon and Nitrous Oxide. Data Analysis Calculations: For Nitrogen: ÃŽ ³1 = 0.02773 / 0.02111 = 1.3134 Mean value Nitrogen, ÃŽ ³ = (ÃŽ ³1 + ÃŽ ³2 + ÃŽ ³3) / 3 = (1.3134 + 1.2476 + 1.2834) / 3 = 1.2814 Discussion: The experiment was conducted with careful consideration to get the result as close as to the real value. However, due to the some experimental error involved in this experiment, the calculated values are not close to the literature value. The calculated heat capacity ratios for the given gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and nitrous oxide are 1.2815, 1.0248, 1.4268, 1.0163 respectively. The literature heat capacity ratio values are 1.4000 (nitrogen), 1.6667 (argon), 1.4000 (oxygen) and 1.3100 (nitrous oxide) (P.Atkins et al, 2008). Figure 1 represents the heat capacity ratio of the given gases. Based on the graph shown on figure 1, heat capacity ratio of oxygen and nitrous oxide are lower than the nitrogen and argon. In comparison with the literature value, nitrogen and argon are closer to the calculated heat capacity value. However, the calculated percentage error is 8.46% and 14.4% respectively. In the case of oxygen and nitrous oxide, calculated value more deviated from the literatu re value and the calculated percentage error are 26.8% and 22.42% respectively. These differences between the calculated and literature value heat capacity ratio value occurred due to the experimental error. Equipments used in this experiment were used by the previous batch. As the experiment was conducted using the pre setup equipments, there might be an error in the flow of gases through the tubes. Due to these occurrences, there might be changes in the pressure. Since the flow rate of gases are in larger amount, it could have heavily affected the final results. Gas leak is one of the major concern which lead to decrease in pressure and affected the result. Moreover, the adjustment made at the flow rate of gases also might be lead to the error in the heat capacity value. As the digital manometer is open ended to the atmosphere, there might be an error due to the unstable atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, due to the weather condition (winter), temperature and pressure changes and might not favored to conduct the experiment. Conclusion: In conclusion, the heat capacity ratio of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and nitrous oxide were calculated using the adiabatic expansion. In order to get accuracy of result, the precision can be improved by more attention on the experimental procedure and handling the equipments. Also, accurate result can be made by observing the measurements such as notifying the pressure of gases and units in a proper manner. References K.Lunder et al (1999); Heat Capacity Ratios For Gases: The Sound Velocity Method, Physical Chemistry 301, Augustana College P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Atkins’ Physical Chemistry, 8th ed., W. H.Freeman and Co., New York (2006).

The Principals And Benefits Of Ecotourism Tourism Essay

The Principals And Benefits Of Ecotourism Tourism Essay According to the world tourism organization tourism encompasses the activities of people traveling to and staying at places outside their normal environment for not more than one consecutive year for relaxation, business and other objectives not related to the exercise of an activity paid for within the place visited. Ecotourism as a word is short for ecological tourism. As the name suggests ecotourism is conscientious travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the well-being of the local people (TIES, 1990). This therefore means that ecotourism is primarily about bringing together conservation, communities and sustainable travel. Tourism as a whole accounts for $ 3.6 trillion in economic activities and 8 percent of all jobs worldwide. Within this industry, ecotourism is by far the fastest growing sub-sector; it is expanding by 20-34 percent per year since the early 1990s. Its considered more environmentally sustainable than the other sectors of tourism. This means that it is viewed as a form of tourism that can maintain ecological balance: it exploits natural resources without destroying the ecological equilibrium of an area (Fennel, 1999). Principals of ecotourism To unite conservation, sustainable travel and communities those practicing ecotourism should follow the principals of ecotourism. The first is that ecotourism has to do with travel to natural destinations. These places/ destinations are more often than not remote areas and can either be inhabited or uninhabited. Usually these areas are under environmental protection of some kind at international, national, communal or private level. Ecotourism should strive to minimize impact. This is because tourism as a whole causes damage. To minimize impact, ecotourism endeavors to minimize the harmful effects of hotels, trails, along with other infrastructure by making use of available local building materials or recycled materials, renewable sources of energy, safe disposal of waste and recycling, and culturally and environmentally sensitive architectural designs (Font Buckley, 2001). Ecotourism is meant to enable or encourage environmental awareness. This means that ecotourism should provide education for both residents of communities living in the neighborhood and the tourists. Before departure, tour operators should provide travelers with reading materials concerning the environment, its local people and a code of conduct- both for the tourist and the industry itself. This information serves to prepare the traveler to minimize their negative impact as well as learn about the places and people visited. Ecotourism projects should help educate members of the neighboring community, schoolchildren and the larger public in the host country. To do this they should offer reduced entrance and lodge fees for nationals as well as provide free educational trips for local students and those living near the tourist attraction (Honey, 2008). Ecotourism should provide direct financial benefits for conservation. This therefore means that ecotourism should help raise funds for environmental research, protection and education. This should be done using a variety of means which include: park entrance fees, hotel, tour company, airline, and airport taxes along with voluntary contributions. The tourism should afford financial benefits and empowerment to the local people. For their survival, national parks and other conservation areas, should strive to have happy people around their perimeters. To do this the local community should be involved with along with receiving income and other tangible benefits from the conservation area and its tourist facilities. This means that lodges, campsites and other concessions should be run by or in partnership with the local community. For ecotourism to be viewed as a tool for rural development it should aid in shifting the political and economical control to the local community. This is difficult and time consuming but must be observed by foreign operators (Hudspeth, 2005). Ecotourism should show respect for local culture. This means that it should be less culturally intrusive than conventional tourism. It strives to have a minimal effect on both the natural environment and the human population of the host country. Part of being a responsible ecotourist is learning the local customs, dress codes and social norms beforehand and respecting or following them. Ecotourists should also not intrude on communities unless invited or as part of a planned tour. Ecotourism should support human rights and democratic movements. It demands its participants to respect, learn about and try to benefit both the local environment and communities. Giving economic benefits and showing cultural understanding to local communities cannot be separated from appreciating their political circumstances. Benefits of Ecotourism Ecotourism has its advantages and these can be as an impact to the tourist, the local community or even the host country. Ecotourism is educational to the tourist. By traveling to new places the tourist learns about local plants and animals that hed otherwise not have encountered. The traveler also gets to get a deeper understanding of the local culture this ensures that one learns to appreciate and respect other peoples beliefs. Ecotourism brings the tourist closer to nature, open up the tourists mind to new ideas along with new perspectives on life and other people. It takes them to places less traveled and gives them a wonderful new experience without harming the environment (Newsome, Moore Dowling, 2002). Ecotourism benefits the local community as it enables the provision of employment and infrastructural development. The locals surrounding the national parks or whatever conservation project can benefit from them as the government or foreign investors require services which can be provided by the locals. This in turn also ensures that fewer people migrate to the cities. The local population gains new skills which guarantee that they are not totally dependent on the limited natural resources. Some of the areas may be remote and tourism ensures that infrastructure facilities like water supply and schools are provided in order to keep the locals happy and ensure good services. Ecotourism offers new opportunities for small-scale investments and also increases national responsibility in the protection of biological resources. It therefore acts as a means of socio-economic and environmental uplifting especially in developing countries for which the ecotourism acts as a major source of foreign exchange.Visiting the protected areas such as national parks and reserves contribute towards maintenance of the parks or reserves. This is possible by the collection of entrance fees and other charges which go towards paying for improvements and salaries for the staff taking care of the facilities. Sufficient amounts of revenue are therefore re-invested in protecting natural habitats (Sindiga, 1999). Disadvantages of ecotourism Ecotourism may lead to an increase in population around an area; there may also be excessive building of resorts in areas where park popularity is very high. While this ensures high revenues, it also increases pressure on land, reducing opportunities for local people to make a living off the land. This is because things like energy sources can be depleted so as to accommodate the hordes of tourists visiting an area. When putting up facilities such as resorts and camp sites, people may be displaced in an example being the Maasai community of Kenya. Habitats may also be destroyed to clear the way for this tourist facilities. Local peoples land may also be expropriated at inequitable prices because of deals made between governments and multinational companies (Newsome, Moore Dowling, 2002). Overcrowding in tourist venues may endanger protected areas. An example of this is instances where excessive viewing of wildlife can disturb animals feeding along with their breeding. Unusual species of plants can also be trampled on or picked by tourists and since vehicles and planes do pollute, the micro climate may change leading to death of various plants and in some instances animals. One of the major reasons why local communities do not support ecotourism in developing countries is the human-wildlife conflict. 70% of wildlife live outside protected areas and feed on peoples livestock and land Honey (1999). This can be the case due to marking off of incomplete ecosystems for protected areas. As a result, wild animals have been responsible for deaths of people and destruction of property. On the other hand, due to this conflict death of some animals has been as a result of people being fed up and killing them (Honey, 2008). Demand for rare birds, animals, animal parts or for souvenirs can promote trafficking of endangered species. This is because sometimes locals do not benefit very much from the reserves leading them to poaching a good example is the elephant tusk trafficking from Kenya to china which initially involves killing the animals illegally (poaching). This can also be as a result of unemployment in the local communities in cases where the staff is brought in from overseas. Ecotourism as in all other forms of tourism may lead to degradation of local culture. This is because locals through interaction with foreigners may adapt some of their behavior and practices leading to a disintegration of their own. Outstanding Issues in Ecotourism Inadequacy of information is one of the issues plaguing ecotourism. An increased amount of quality information is needed about actual and potential economic contributions from nature tourism ventures and practices. The risks associated with ecotourism are also issues that plague it, these risks include poor management which may lead to unregulated nature tourism which may in turn corrode local culture and damage the environment. The perception of locals is also a problem facing ecotourism. The locals in developing countries are sometimes afraid that their parks and protected areas become a playground for tourists instead of benefiting them through farming (Font Buckley, 2001). Conclusion Activities involved in ecotourism are therefore those activities that while making use of natural resources ensure a minimal impact on the ecological balance of an area. Examples of such activities are visiting national parks and reserves, bird watching, hiking through conservations among others. In conclusion, the role of ecotourism is to promote and preserve natural environment and both large scale and small scale attractions play an important role in the economy of the surrounding area. It involves the preservation of natural areas, environmental education, and cultural tolerance all geared towards economic growth. It should therefore be encouraged as it is designed to benefit the tourist, the host population and the environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

summer reading :: essays research papers

Summer reading is given to students every year. It is an assignment handed out which is to be completed by the time school starts next year. It is compiled of a list of books in which one must be chosen and read. The assignment also includes a project, usually one that requires time and effort that must be completed as well. Schools are out for the summer. There are no more teachers and no more books. Students are ready for two months of summer fun. Going to the beach and hanging out with friends is what summer is all about. Nowhere in that itinerary does it include reading a book and completing a project. With all the activities going on there is no time to read, let alone finish a project. I find myself procrastinating until the last possible second. By the time I even pick up the book summer is over and the project is due. Incentive is nearly impossible. For some students summer reading gives them something to do. For many, myself included, this assignment is not interesting. It is a complete waste of time. I have no drive to read a story and complete a project in which I express no enthusiasm in. I consider this assignment to be busy work English teachers give to students over the summer. The summer reading project is not only a waste of time for students, but a waste of time for teachers as well. Any student is able to receive information about the book from friends; even the internet contains information about the book. Not once having to open the book and actually read a student can complete the given assignment. A teacher already knows what the story is about. There is no desire to grade a project that someone has put forth half the effort due to the fact they took the easy way out. Any student can get an easy â€Å"A† on this project but that is not the point.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Reality: Influenced by an Individual’s Perception and Interpretation E

Reality: Influenced by an Individual’s Perception and Interpretation When the term reality is mentioned, many questions arise regarding what reality is and what is real originate also. Unfortunately, many of these questions are yet to be answered since determining reality and what is real are left to each individual’s imagination - for one to determine reality as he or she sees fit. A dictionary may provide a definition for the word reality, but things that constitute reality may never be entirely defined because it is one of those things that is almost completely based on an individual’s perception and interpretation. A dictionary may also provide a definition for the word perception and the word interpretation, but many individuals perceive and interpret many things very differently. With the vast variation of people, thoughts, and beliefs in our world, how should society determine the boundaries of reality? On the other hand, is it even possible to set specific limits when considering reality? The movie chosen, as a springboard into the forthcoming philosophical discussion, was â€Å"Dark City†, A Mystery Clock Production by New Line Cinema directed by Alex Proyas. The movie raised many interesting questions and produced many engaging comments. At the very beginning of the movie, you hear the voice of Dr. Schreber, played by Kieffer Sutherland. He begins by saying, â€Å"They [the â€Å"Strangers†] had mastered the ultimate technology, the ability to alter physical reality by will alone.†i[1] If the â€Å"Strangers† are altering reality, the people of the city will never truly know what is real and what is artificial. Consequently, the city in which they live is all artificial and made up. We as viewers can see this, but ... ...ed and are likely to continue to remain unanswered for many years to come. It is highly doubtful the term reality will ever be entirely and unrestrictedly measurable. Notes: i[1] Dr. Daniel P. Schreber in â€Å"Dark City† – the movie. ii[2] Detective Walenski in â€Å"Dark City† – the movie. iii[3] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 5. iv[4] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 9. v[5] Ludlow, Peter. â€Å"High Noon on the Electronic Frontier†. P 24. vi[6] Collins Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus. P 450. vii[7] Collins Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus. P 335. viii[8] – the definition of reality. ix[9] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 213. x[10] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 3. xi[11] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 5. xii[12] Woolley, Benjamin. â€Å"Virtual Worlds†. P 3.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Comparing Daisy and Countess Olenska in Daisy Miller and The Age of Inn

The story â€Å"Daisy Miller† is a romance of a love that can never be. The character Annie P. Miller (known as Daisy Miller) is portrayed as a young naive wild yet, innocent girl who want to do nothing more but have fun with the company she please. The story â€Å"Daisy Miller† is a lot like The Age of Innocence. In both the movie and the book the leading lady was shunned from society because of their behavior. Both Daisy and the Countess Olenska were misunderstood and out-casted because they were saw as different. These women did not want to conform to what the society thought was proper and good, they had their own opinion and was bold in their time to state it. Daisy thought it was okay, even nice to have many gentlemen friends. She did not find it to mean she was of recklessness. Daisy thought the more gentlemen and even lady friends she had proved her to be more sociable. She was a bold young lady who said what she felt and did what she wanted. When Daisy enjoyed the companionship of a gentleman she freely says so, and publicly complements the fellow. Daisy knew that people did not thi...

Animal Testing: Helps Both Humans and Other Animals

Animal Testing People argue that animal testing kills to many animals. 20 million animals are used for animal testing each year. 90 percent of them are rodents such as rats and mice. If indeed the animals are killed its most likely to be a rodent. people try to kill and get rid of rodents just for the sake of getting rid of them. People who are against animal testing say that pain is afflicted on the animals. Most all research projects do not even include pain towards the animal. If the research does include pain the pain would be alleviated with anesthetic drugs.It is very important that the animal is free of stress because if the animal felt pain the data would not be sufficient. Animal helps both humans and other animals. More than 15 million people have diabetes and an additional 600,000 people develop it every year. More than 1 million people in America require a daily dose of insulin. Dogs were crucial to the research that identified the cause of diabetes, which lead to the dev elopment of insulin. Dogs were also very important for the research and development of open-heart surgery, pacemakers, and heart transplants.The techniques discovered from animal testing have revolutionized the therapy for people who have severe heart disease. Vaccines are created for many animal sicknesses and viruses including Feline Leukemia and canine parvovirus. Not only medical products and procedures have been tested on animals. All make-up products are tested on animals before it go on the market. They are tested to make sure no irritation or rash is created wile using the product. Testing everyday products not only help keep buyers satisfied it may help them not die in the process of using the product.More satisfied buyers mean they will be more likely to buy more stuff which helps the economy. Heart diseases, diabetes, and animal viruses have been cured threw the process of animal testing. Almost everyone has been benefited from animal testing whether they know it or not. Testing on animals before humans is the right thing to do, so many lives have been saved from doing this ever since it has been started in the early 1900’s. we have to encourage others to vote towards animal testing so that there are less regulations. Animal testing is the best way to make sure products, medicines, and medical procedures are safe.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fifa World Cup

The FIFA atomic number 18a in in time Syafadzil A very trustworthy morning to our English class teacher, Mr. lee view and to all my friends. Today, me and my friends, emeer and Firdaus ar discharge to engage in a forum about the man Cup. Syafadzil To explain it briefly, the knowledge domain Cup is the worlds biggest sports event. It was held any 4 years since the world-class be Cup in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was non held because of orb War 2. The tournament willing be held in confederation Africa which involves 32 aggroups, each got to be in the tournament by a serial of qualification phase, which took place over the triple years after the recent earth Cup.The host nation has autoloading(prenominal) qualifiqation. The World Cup is the to the highest degree watched sporting event, with an estimated 715 cardinal people watching the 2006 tournament, which was held in Ger many a(prenominal). To go with the largest sports event, there are rou nd noteworthy track reposes that had been set along the month-long exhibition since it was held. brazil holds the record for lifting the coveted trophy the most, which stands at 5. brazil-nut tree as well as boast the most goals in the tournament, scoring a whack 201 goals.Moreover, it is the single country that had participated in every World Cup. individually,the most goals scored is held by Ronaldo, who monkeys for brazil, with 15 goals to his name. Diego Maradona similarly set a record for appearing as captain 16 times for the Argentina nation. amir thank you for the interesting in stimulateations, Syafadzil. Shall we move on with the questions then? Syafadzil Yes. First off, which aggroup would you bet on to lift the crowned World Cup this year? and why do you sound off that? Firdaus, any thoughts? Firdaus A very levelheaded question, Syafadzil.I depend Spain would win it this year. here(predicate) are slightly of the reasons. Undoubtedly, they are the agg roup at the moment. They boast wiz of the out fulfill records along their way to South Africa. They are currently the number 1 bedded team in the world, which come abouts to no admiration to many people. Foot crankers like Xavi, David Villa, Fernando Torres, Cesc Fabregas, Xabi Alonso all that to name a few, all vie their trades for their national team. Just rate their names, and it will bring a cold bankrupt down to the spine of their opponents.Spain is a side full of foot globeing talents, with their impostors showing great form at the moment with their respective niners. This team has resilience and team spirit. Thats merely some of the reasons why I shoot Spain. precisely Spain is not loss to stick out a easy evanesce-in to the trophy. They are divergence to face some fastidious test along the way, notably Brazil who wants to lift the trophy for the sixth time. Brazil is the 2nd graded team in the world. Their attacking talents such as Robinho, Pato, Luis Fab iano and also not to forget their midfield engine, generated by the 2007 Ballon Dor winner, Kaka.They are not going to be easy to beat, especially with some great run of form of late found by the players. Syafadzil Looks like Spain is going to be the winner, yes? What do you reckon, emir? Amir Not if I invite something to say about that. The team to watch by my opinion had got to be Holland. shamt fill your eyes on this team, which ranked 3rd in the world. Their star player is arguably Robin van Persie, who plays for inventory but his progress had been held back due to the recent serious injury to his li grainynt.But he will be check out to play in the World Cup. Everybody knows that no team is made up of simply one player. Other key players are Arjen Robben, who recently scored a large explosion that sent Manchester United out of the Champions League, Wesley Sneijder, who scored the winner at Russia that sent Inter Milan to the semi-finals of the Champions League, an d not to mention the footballing masterclass of Dirk Kuyt, Mark van Bommel and many some other talented footballers.This team is rich people in attack, and will surely run riot in the opponets defence in this upcoming World Cup. like Spain, they also thrive on an enviable record along their way to South Africa. They were the first European team to secure a place in the finals, with a sinless 10 wins out of ten in the group stages. Syafadzil thank you for sharing your thoughts Amir. I guess well just have to clutches to checker who will be the champions then. locomote on, who is going to outshine any other players in this tournament?Firdaus, give your take on this one. Firdaus Its hard to choose, but I think I will go with Messi. The plucky Argentine away had got to be the best striker in the world. He spear-headed Barcelona to an unprecedented 6 trophies hold water season, and were the top scorer in the Champions League. His treat rate is high, his brilliance of controllin g the ball is just mesmerizing and what else can I say? He had been praised by some of the worlds best footballing legends, Diego Maradonna being one of them.And he had been dubbed as one of the best if not, the best in the business. Amir Its true that Messi is just spectacular when wearing the Barcelona shirt. But when he donned on the national jersey, he just could not find the form that he showed with Barcelona. Dont get me wrong, he still scored some important goals that helped the Argentina team to qualify for the World Cup, but for a footballer by his standards, he could have done smash, much better. Argentina yet qualified by the skin of their teeth.They only secured their place with virtually the last game of the group stages and occupied the last automatic qualifications spot. And I just could not see that Messi will shine in the World Cup by the way things are going. Syafadzil Amir certainly gave us something to think about. But, who do you have in mind, Amir? Amir Im definitely going with Fernando Torres. Hes secure up there with Messi, and can perform brilliantly both in club and international level. Even though he was pampered with injuries this season, he still can come back and immediately give a marvelous performance.By my opinion, he is better than Messi, but because of his injuries, he fell goldbrick every time. His skills are amazing, his reading of the ball is just spectacular, and he can step up out from anywhere and score. He very is one of the best in this era. Syafadzil convey for that, both of you. Lets thread up this forum then. 32 teams, with everything to play for, vying for the most coveted trophy in sports history. All will be uncover in this upcoming summer. Do not miss it for the world.